Chapter 32 - Take it away

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I wake up still tangled in Deans arms, i look at him and see him already awake "How long have you've been up?" I ask "All night" He replies and i sit up "Why?" I ask "I was worried you would wake up" He says and i peck his lips "You didn't have to" I say and he smiles "You're healed" He says and i touch my cheek "So what do you want to do today?" He asks "I'm going to drink until i pass out and you are going to sleep" I say and kiss him "Why?" He asks "Because you didn't sleep at all because of me" I say "Okay" He says smiling "Okay" I say before he pulls me into a kiss 

I get up and walk to the kitchen "Let's see what we have here" I say and frown to see that the fridge had literally no alcohol "Casey is that you?" Sam asks sleepy "Yeah that me, go back to bed" I say and he frowns "What you looking for?" He asks and i freeze "Cold water" I reply and turn back around to see it "Here we go" i say and walk away "You were looking for alcohol" Sam says "No i wasn't" I lie and turn around to face him "Yeah you are because of yesterday" He says "I'll go out and get you some" He says and stretch his arm upwards  "Thanks Sammy" I say and hug him 

"It's alright shorty, you deserve to have a break from everything" He says and i smile as he leaves, i walk around the house and walk past Deans room, he looked so peaceful. I smile and hear the door opening, i go to the sitting room and see Sam "Hey Sammy" I say and he gives me the bag filled with bottles of vodka and tequila "Thanks" i say and go to the kitchen

I take a bottle and set it on the table along with a cup "Want one?" I ask and Sam nods "Want to talk?" He asks "Well this one is for Julie, my cousin who happened to be my best friend that i let die" I say and take a shot "This is for my mother who made a deal and died because of me" Sam says and takes a shot "This one is for my father who is in an eternal cage because i told Cas how to put him in there" I say and take another shot

4 hours later 

I cough and raise my shot glass "And this one is for Phillip who i killed in memory of Julie" I say and take the shot "And this *clears throat* is for Jess, my girlfriend who died because i got back into hunting" Sam says and takes a shot "I need to get my car" I say and try to get up "Or maybe no" I say and sit back down "Hey" Dean says and i smile "Heeeyyy" I say drunkly and he looks at Sam "Let her have her fun today" Sam says and Dean looks at me "Are you two drunk?" He asks and i smile 

"We were actually taking shots for the bad things that happened" Sam explains and Dean looks at the last shot "This is for me being the reason my father died" Dean says and takes a shot "I will go get your car for you alright?" Dean says and kisses the top of my head before leaving "Is there any alcohol left?" I ask and Sam shakes his head "It's been *Looks at phone * four hours since we started drinking " Sam replies and i yawn "It's been a good day, thanks Sammy" I say and he smiles

"Anytime shorty" He replies and i smile back at him "I'm going to take a um shower very quickly" I say and stumble my way to the bathroom .... I have my shower and get changed into one of Deans over sized top and yoga shorts, i walk to the sitting room and see Dean "Hey babe" I say and kiss his cheek "Hey Cas" I say and sit in front of Sam "So you guys are drunk?" Cas asks and i nod "Kind off" I reply and chuckle "Why are you laughing?" Dean asks "Because i got drunk with Sam and not with you babe" I say and look at Dean and he chuckles

"Who would have known" He says and i intertwine mine and Deans fingers "He actually bought the alcohol" I say and Sam chuckles "I did didn't i" He says and i smile "Hey didn't you guys call me to heal someone last night?" Cas asks "Yeah to heal me but i guess i healed already" I say "Actually you didn't, you're still pretty damaged inside" Cas says and i nod "That's something that will take sometime to heal Cas" I say and i notice Dean looking at me, i look at him and there's pity in his eyes "Please don't" I whisper and he kisses my forehead

"I'm just going to go to bed okay?" i say and they all nod, i get up and go to my room, I sit down and grab my sketch pad to see a drawing of two teenage girls one with long blonde hair with big green eyes in a blue puffy dress and the other long brown hair with deep blue eyes in a green puffy dress, those girls was me and Julie, the old me who cared way too much for things, the one who loved deeply, the Casey that has been left in the past, the Casey that died with Julie 600 years ago

"Casey?" Dean says and walks over to me before grabbing the sketch pad, "Is this you and Julie?" He asks and i nod "you have always been beautiful" He says and looks into my eyes and kisses me passionately before lying on top of me, he slowly pulls my shirt over my head "Casey, i love you" He says and i smile "I love you too" I whisper back, and this time it wasn't just lust, this time it was filled with love and passion, it special and what made it special was that i was finally with the one i loved.

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