Chapter 42 - Darkness

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"So you are planning to go to my father?" I ask and Sam nods "You are damn stupid if you think that the right thing to do Sam" I say "God has been sending me visions from Lucifer and every time he touches me i feel comfort" Sam says and i sigh "Are you letting him do this Dean?" I ask and Dean looks at me "You are aren't you" I say but he stays quiet "Damn it Sam" I say worried "Casey we have to do this, it's the only way to end her" Sam says and i look up at him "Fine but if my dad tries to make you his vessel you say no, my father may be the sweetest to me but he hates you two and he can end you two with the snap of his fingers" I say and they both nod "Just be careful okay?" I say and Sam nods before i hug him 

"What are you guys going to do?" I ask "We are going to Crowley to get Rowena so we can talk to Lucifer" Dean says and i take a deep breath "I'm coming with you" I say and they nod "Good, now how are we going to get Crowley to lend us his mum?" I ask "Crowley hates Rowena and knowing that the darkness can destroy him too, he will come with us" Sam says and i nod "Okay" I say 

~Time skip

Sam is back with Rowena trying to get her to find a way to talk to Lucifer while me and Dean are investigating something the darkness did "Want a hot dog?" I ask Dean and he nods, i turn away for a second to pay for the hot dogs and turn around "Here you- Dean?" i say but he's nowhere to be see "Dean" I say and look around, i grab my phone and call him but he doesn't pick up "What he actually hell" I say angrily and teleport to where Sam is "We found a way to talk to Lucifer" Sam says, of course i can go in since i'm powerful but Sam i don't think he would be able to so we needed Rowena 

"Where's Dean?" He asks "That's the thing he just disappeared and he won't pick up the fucking phone" I say worried "The darkness, they have a connection she probably has him" Sam says and i look at him "A connection?" I say annoyed, more like jealous "He wouldn't cheat, again" Sam says and i shrug "We have more important things to do, now Rowena can you do the spell?" I ask and she smiles "Let's go then, if Dean has a connection with her she won't hurt him" I say and we go to hell

"I haven't been here in a while" I say and look around before walking in where the cage is, Rowena does the spell and my father appears "Hello Casey" He says and i smile "Hi dad sorry for not coming to see you but some things have come up and i couldn't come" I say and he smiles "It's okay, why did you call?" He asks and Sam walks over to stand next to me "Sam Winchester" My dad says, Sam explains about the visions that has been happening since he prayed "Well i did help dad seal the darkness all those years ago, the darkness was always throwing tantrums that's why pops is laying low" Lucifers says and i take a deep breath "I'm going to try find Dean" I say and teleport out of there

I get to where Dean disappeared and there he was standing there "Dean" I say and walk towards him "Where's Sam?" He asks "He's talking to Lucifer" I reply "Where were you?" I ask "The darkness she brought me to some place but the angels appeared and she just teleported me back here" Dean says quite fast "Anything else happened?" I ask, i know something happened i can tell "Se kissed me and said we were destined but that's not true i may have let her out bbut i didn't mean to" Dean says and i take a deep breath "did you kiss her back?" I ask "No" He lies and i just roll my eyes "It takes two to kiss" I say and he looked guilty "Casey i didn't mean to" He says and i shrug "WE have more important things to think about right now" I say and grab his arm

We teleport to where the cage is and look for Sam "Where the hell is he?" Dean asks "Crowley" I say angrily "Lucifer teleported him in the cage" Crowley says and i freeze "He what" I say angrily "I can go see them, i'm strong enough" I say and look at Dean "I promise we will get Sam out" I say and kiss him before teleporting to the cage "Dad what the hell" I say angrily and see Sam in there with him "I have a new roommate" My dad says "How could you do this?" I say angrily "Look honey i was sending the visions to Sammy here and now i won't be so lonely" My dad says and i look at Sam "Sammy i will get you out of there if it's the last thing i do" I say and Sam looks terrified "I promise" I whisper

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