Chapter 36 - Balance

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"You need to balance power with love to control it" Cas says and i nod "Think about in how much danger would Sam and Dean be in if you lose control" Cas says and i take a deep breath and close my eyes, i am currently sitting down in the middle of an abandoned building trying to find balance in my powers, i slowly open my eyes and hear the thunders forming as i raise my hands, it all suddenly stops when my hands are lowered "Good" Cas says and walks around me "Fire" Cas says and i raise my hands before forming a fire ball

I raise my hand controlling the fire ball before i throw it at a target "Good" He says and stops walking "Now put it out" Cas says and i raise both my hands as water shoots out of them putting out the fire "Air" Cas says and i make the room fill with wind "Make it stop" Cas says calmly and i do "Earth" Cas says and the room starts shaking "Make it stop" Cas says again and i try but it doesn't work "Think about Dean Casey" Cas says and i start thinking about the first time he told me he loved me, soon the room comes to a stop "You need some help with controlling your earth powers" Cas says and i nod "I know Cas" I say and he looks at me "Good now do it again" He says and i roll my eyes

"We have been doing this for the last 5 hours can't we have a break?" I ask "no" Cas says and i groan "You want to control it so you won't hurt Dean, then you better follow the orders and practice" Cas snaps at me and i stay quiet "Now use the power" Cas says and i make the room shake "How about another Earth power huh?" Cas says and i nod, he makes a plant pot appear on front of me "make it grow" He says and i set my hand above the pot before taking deep breath, i close my eyes and think about it growing

I open my eyes and see a beautiful rose, i smile and look at Cas "Close" He says and i raise my eyebrow "There's supposed to be 5 roses, you got one" Cas says and i sigh, i put my hand over the pot again and focus on the roses as they start growing "Good job you are almost there" Cas says and i smile "Now back to the lightning, we are going to put it in earth, make rain" He says and i look out the window and look up at the clouds, the clouds slowly let out rain drops "Lightning" Cas says and i clench my jaw as the lightning becomes visible "Sun" Cas says and i clear my mind, the sky soon becomes clear again

I turn to Cas and he smiles "How about a burger?" Cas says and i smile, we teleport to the bunker and i go to the kitchen to grab a beer, i come back to the sitting room and see Sam "Where's Dean?" I ask while taking a sip from my beer "In his room" Sam says and i smile before heading to Dean's room, i walk in and see him in a towel "Heey" I say happily and go over to him "Hey" He says and kisses me, we sit down and i smile "Cas giving you a hard time?" Dean asks and i nod "I never thought that powers would be this hard to control" I say "Are you done for today?" Dean asks "Casey you have 5 minutes" I hear Cas says and i roll my eyes 

"Five minutes?" Dean says and i nod "Gotta make the best of it" Dean says and pulls me into a kiss, i smile into the kiss as he pulls me closer to him, we pull away and i smiles "How long do we have left?" Dean asks and i shrug before kissing him again, we make out for a while before we hear a knock on the door, we pull away and i peck his lips "Casey" I Cas says and i groan "I'm coming"I say annoyed and look at Dean "We can go back to that later" He says and i peck his lips, we get up and he walks me to the door before pecking my lips "Hurry up Casey" Cas says and i smile before kissing Dean again

"Bye" I say and peck his lips before walking out the door "Wait Dean" I say and kiss him again, i look at Cas and he rolls his eyes "Ready?" He asks and i nod "good" He says and we teleport back to the abandoned building "What do you want me to practice?" I ask "Well since you are almost perfect in your elements we are practicing your angel powers, we already helped you with one that you got from your father" Cas says and i frown

"Weather manipulation" Cas says and i smile "Shall we help you with invisibility ?" Cas says and i nod "But how? even if i go invisible you can see me"I say and smirk "How about if we try to prank the boys?" I ask and Cas nods "Scare them?" He asks and i nod "Okay, all you have to do is focus on being invisible but don't lose focus or you will be visible again" Cas says and i nod, we teleport back to the bunker and i focus on being invisible "Hey Cas, where's Casey?" Sam asks "somewhere, i'm not sure" Cas says and i smirk, i walk down the hall and to Deans room to see him in his boxers making me smirk 

"What are you doing Casey?" I hear Cas say in my head "Nothing" I reply "Are you watching Dean?" He asks and i look at Dean walking around "Damn he looks hot" I say in my mind "Casey focus" Cas says

"Case? What are you doing here?" Dean says scaring me, crap "Were you watching me?" He asks while a smirk forms on his lips "N-No, why would i be pff" I say nervously "You were spying on me" Dean says "No i wasn't i was just anonymously seeing what you were up to" I say and smile "Casey get out of there we need to get back to work" i hear Cas say in my head "I'm coming wait" I reply  "I gotta go now, Cas is going to blow my head" I say and peck Deans lips "I'll see you later babe" I say and teleport back to the sitting room "Can we continue tomorrow? I'm wrecked" I say and Cas nods "You are going back to Dean aren't you" Sam says and i smile before teleporting back to Deans room

"Back so soon?" Dean asks "Shut up" I say and attack his lips 

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