Chapter 11 - Captive

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We finally found Dean thanks to Crowley "Okay so apparently his at some bar" Sam says and i just drive "So he's like me now" i say and Sam looks at me "Actually, he's evil" Sam says and i take a deep breath "And I'm not?" I ask and Sam shakes his head "No, you stayed with me when i had no one else, you care for me and Dean" Sam says and i park the car "Let's go get our Dean back" I say and get out of the car with Sam "Stay" He says and i look at him but nod

I hear the sound of fighting coming from behind the bar and teleport there "What are you?" the guy says "I'm a demon" Dean says, his eyes fully black, Sam then captures him with the handcuffs before we trap him at the back seat "I see that you came after me Casey because you think i like you back" Dean says and i keep my eyes on the road "I didn't do it for you, i did it for Sam" I say "I remember our night before i died, you are a fun toy " He says and i take a deep breath "If you think you will be able to get to me, you are fucking wrong you douche" I snap at him and start speeding 

We get to the bunker and tied Dean onto a chair in the devils trap "Poor Sammy, thinks he can save me"Dean says and anger builds up on me before i punch Dean in the face "Jerk" I say and Sam grabs me "It's not him talking Casey" Sam says and i nod "I know " I say as Sam let's go of me before i punch Dean again "i swear if it wasn't for Sam, i would you rip apart, limb by limb" I say and Dean smirks "I'm so scared " He says and i look at Sam "You should be" i say before making him scream in pain "Casey stop" Sam says but i don't "Casey" Sam scream but i ignore 

I soon feel my skin burning "Sorry" Sam says and i look at him then at Dean "I can't stand this" I say and leave .... "Casey Run" i hear Sam scream before i see Dean storm my way and pin me up against the wall with the first blade against my neck "Dean stop " I say but he smirks "It's so stupid of you to think i actually liked you" Dean says and starts to dig the blade against my neck, i let my eyes turn black and make him fly across the room "Unlike you Dean, i have powers and i can kill you in one second " I say while walking over to him "Do it then slut," He says while getting up "For me? I would any time, i unlike you i care about Sammy" I say 

Cas holds Dean tight as his eyes turn electric blue "Thanks Cas" I say and he nods, we tie Dean up again and his eyes go from black to normal, Sam throws some water at Dean and smiles "Welcome back Dean" He says and i look at Sam "I'm going to leave okay, if you need something pray of summon me " I say and teleport to hell "Crowley i'm going to see my dad, do not interrupt " I say and he nods

"Hey dad" I say and hug him through the bars "What's wrong darling?" He asks and i explain to him "I guess i grew a little thing for him" I say and look into my dads eyes "is that why you helped Sam?" He asked and i nod "I guess" I say and my dad nods "You know it wasn't him talking" My dad says and i nod "But why did it hurt so much?" I ask "Because you like him" My dad says and i let the tears fall "But don't let go of Sam because of Dean okay? Sam makes you a better person. he makes you more angel" My dad says and i nod "Goodbye father" I say and he kisses my forehead before i teleport back to my house 

I get home to find a demon destroying my things "What the hell" I say and he looks back at me scared "why are you here?" I ask angrily "I came for Crowley, he said you have something he needs" He says and i smirk before pinning him against a wall with my powers "you will be a lovely dartboard " I say before throw two knives at him that had drawings of devils trap holding him up on my wall "You know what the guy i like said to me?" I ask and the demon trembles making me smirk, i grab a bottle of tequila and take a sip "He called me a toy " I say and throw a knife hitting his stomach "He called me a slut" I say and throw another knife before taking another sip "he said he was only using me" I say and throw another knife

i gulp down half the bottle and throw another knife "He called me stupid" i say and drink again before throwing another knife "Why don't you kill me already" The demon screams and i chuckle "Why would i do that?" I ask and draw a cut on his face "You were fun while you lasted" I say and stab him with the demon knife 

I plug my phone onto the speaker and start dancing around and singing around "Oh, oh, oh Sweet child o' mine" i scream to the song

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