Chapter 17 - Goodbye Angel

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I wake up and write a note to Sammy

Hey Sammy, sorry for being such a bitch and leaving without a goodbye, i just need to clear my mind so i guess i will go for a hunt or back to hell. Please don't come after me, when i'm ready I'll come back to you. 'BRING ME BACK' Love ~Casey

I grab my things and take a look around, i will miss this place, i go to my car and drive back to my old place "There's no place like hell" I say and teleport to hell "Crowley" I say angrily and he appears "Have anyone to torture?" I ask and "Actually yes we do" Crowley says "Hello Tiger" I say as i see my one night stand chained up "I can't wait to torture you" I say "Why are you torturing him?" I ask "He went out of hell without permission " Crowley says "Poor tiger is going to turn into a damaged kitty" I say and grab a knife

"You see tiger" I say and draw a cut going down his chest "You're not supposed to go out without Crowley's permission" I say and flash my eyes before cutting his face "Crowley, can i kill him?" I ask "Do whatever you want with him" Crowley says and leaves "Well, you ain't coming back from this ride kitty" I say and cut him again 

Sam's P.O.V

I find the note Casey left and go to Dean "What did you do?" I ask Dean "Nothing, i tried to talk to her but she just went crazy at me and said if she turned into a full demon it would be my fault" Dean replies and i punch him in the face "You jerk" I say angrily before calling Casey

Phone Call

"Hey Sammy boy whats up?" She asks and i can hear screams of pain

"Where are you?" I ask 

"Hell -Will you shut it? It doesn't even hurt- Why did you call?" She asks talking to someone else between the lines

"I called because you just left without any explanation" I say and she takes a deep breath

"Well, i went back to my old house and now i'm going to find myself" She replies 

"What do you mean find yourself?" I ask

"Ask Dean" She says and hungs up

"Dude, what did she tell you yesterday?" I ask Dean and Deans eyes widen "All she has to do is kill to turn into a full demon" Dean says and i brush my hair backwards with my hand "She was torturing someone, she's trying to turn so she doesn't have to care" I say and start calling Castiel "Cas, we need your help" I say and he appears "Yes?" He asks "If Casey turn full demon can we bring her back?" I ask "Only a strong emotion can make her come back, love, happiness anything in those lines will bring her angel side back" Cas says and i nod "She told me to bring her back" I say

Casey's P.O.V

"How you doing Tiger?" I ask and he looks at me in pain "Kill me" He lets out "Are you begging for death?" I ask and laugh "You are such a weak thing, how did you even turn into a demon" I say and stab him "Crowley please tell me you got a list of people to kill" I say and he smirks "Turned dark?" He asks "Trying to" I reply and he gives me a list, i head to a cell and see a very handsome dude

"It's so sad that i have to kill you, you would be a nice toy" I say before stabbing him, this feels so good, i can feel the evil starting to take over . I kill everyone on the list and go back home, i look in the mirror and smile to see my eyes were now fully black "It's done" I say and walk to the living room to see Sam, Cas and Dean

"Hello" I say smiling "Casey, we came to save you" Dean says and comes closer to me, i bring out a gun and point it at him "There's no saving me" I say and show him my fully black eyes before smiling

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