Chapter 23- Party and Fights

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I wake up and decided to meet up with some of my demon friends, i put on black jeans, a simple black top with a leather jacket, heel boots and to top it off my hair was quite curly (A/N; If you know who Katherine Pierce from TVD is thats how curly Casey's hair is) Dean looks up from his book with a pen in his mouth and smiles  "Where are you going?" He asks "Meet some friends at a bar, catch up " I say and smile

"Where you going?" Sam asks "Out with some friends" I say "Alone?Can't we go?" Sam asks "Wanna hang out with a bunch of demons?" I ask and he shakes his head making me chuckle "Don't wait up for me kids" I say and teleport to a party and see Lexi, Caroline, Elena, Tyler, Mark, Dave and the hottest of all Bryan 

"Hey guys" I say and hug them "How's our favorite anti-Christ doing? " Elena asks and i smile "Still hunting?" Tyler asks "Pretty much just chilling and killing" I reply and they laugh "You bring us some shots" Bryan says and winks at me, we drink our shots  "Into anyone?" Mark asks and i shake my head "I don't date, you should know" I say and wink, well me and Mark had a thing after i killed him

We start dancing around "Want a drink?" I ask Bryan and he nods, i go to the bar and get us a cup of tequila, i hand him the cup and dance with him "So you had a thing for me?" He asks and smirks, "It wasn't a thing, i found you hot " I say and he smirks before kissing my neck sending chills down my spine, i smirk and kiss him. We make out for a while and dance around before i see Dean, Cas and Sam walk in 

"Balls" I say angrily and walk deeper in the crowd, i shrug it off and start dancing with Bryan who seemed to follow me, the girls come over and we dance around "Winchesters and feathers are here" Lexi whispers in my ear and i nod "Did you tell them?" She asks scared and i shake my head "No and i teleported here" I say confused "Hey sweet cheeks" Dean says and i shake my head "Don't come here" I say but he does anyways "What is a hunter like you doing here with my friend?" Bryan asks

Bryan is powerful and he just happens to be Crowley's son "Excuse me?" Dean says angrily and Bryan punches him in the face making me gasp "Take this outside would you?" The owner of the party place says, we all go outside and i stand by Bryan "Bryan stop it" I say and he doesn't, tehy throw punches until Bryan is on top of Dean punching him repeatedly, i groan in anger and fling Bryan off of Dean "I told you to stop" I say angrily, my eyes flashing their true colors and a storm forming 

"Casey calm down" Elena says and grabs my arm, i look at her and she flies away "Why didn't you listen ?" I ask Bryan and he looks terrified "Casey i'm sorry" Bryan says and i chuckle "I have other friends, not just you, you gotta stop being such a dick just because you are Crowley's son. I can snap my finger and you would explode" I say and walk closer to him as he walks back "Next time there won't be anyone to tell the story you hear me " I say angrily and he nods "Good" I say and turn back to Dean who was lying down on the floor

His face dirty with blood "Damn it Dean" I say and look at Cas who nods and teleports himself and Sam. "Don't follow" I say to my so called friends and teleport to the bunker with Dean, i teleported straight  to Dean's room, i grab the first aid kit and start cleaning Dean's face "So you do care" Dean asks and i smile "I always did" i say and use my angel side to cure him "I'm sorry for coming close when you told me not to" Dean says and i shrug 

"Don't apologize" I say an continue to clean his face, he's cured but still bloody "Bryan is a dick, it's not the first time he tried to act up " I say and run a hand in my hair "How did you find me?" I ask "You like to party and that was the only party around " Dean says and i smile, i look in his green eyes, damn his eyes are so perfect, i hear someone clearing their throat and i look back "Hey what was that back there?" Sam asks "A douche being territorial to whats not his" I reply 

"You said that was Crowley's son" Sam says and i nod "Yeah, adopted son. When he became a demon Crowley basically adopted him and taught him everything he knows" I say and chuckle "He was such a nice kid until " I got cut off "Until he started having a thing for you" Dean finishes and i nod "Me and Bryan? Made out sometimes but eww no" I say and Sam chuckles "He seems like a dick" Sam says "Like father like son" I say 

"I'm going to crash see you guys tomorrow" Sam says and leaves "You were dancing with him" Dean says a hint of jealousy in his voice "I'm drunk, not like i like him" I say and Dean looks into my eyes "Casey" Dean whispers and i look from his lips to his eyes and notice him leaning in, i gulp and he kisses me but this time it was different, it was filled with love, passion and a little bit of lust. but it changed me, i could feel it "Your eyes t-they're blue" Dean stutters and  from that i know that my angel side is shining brighter than my darkness 

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