Chapter 19 - Welcome back

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I look up as i bright light shines towards me "Came to beat me a little more Deano?" I ask smiling "I'm not going to let you get to me Casey" Dean says "Just like yesterday?" I ask before i feel the holy water touching my skin making me scream then laugh "Is that all you got dick head" I yell and i can see it building up inside him "Haven't you ever realized that everything is your fault?" I ask "Kevin died because of you, my mum died because of you, you let Sam die then you lived a happy life while he was suffering and don't even get me started on how it was your fault Lisa and Ben got hurt a while ago. you are no better than me " I say and he punches me again

I look up slightly and smile, my teeth covered in my own blood "Are you happy yet? That i almost lost it ?" He snaps and i smirk "Very happy " I say and see Cas calling Dean "Hey damaged bird" I say and he just leaves with Dean

Dean's P.O.V

"There's a way to bring her back" Cas whispers "How?" I ask "She had a connection to you, it was almost love" Cas says and i get an idea

Casey's P.O.V

Here we go again, Dean grabs a chair and sits in front of me "Now we are going to talk" Dean says and i sigh "I know this isn't going to make a difference but Casey i think i'm in love with you" Dean says seriously, i tingle here, a tingle there, a twitch here, a twitch there before Dean's lips find mine, he pulls away and smiles,  i can tell that my eyes are now black with electric blue pupils "You brought me back after you beat me" I say happy then angry "Wait, you love me?" I ask confused and he lets me go before nodding 

"Is this a dream or real life?" i ask and Dean kisses me "Did that feel real to you?" He asks and i smile before i see Sam "Sammy" i say and run over to him and hug him "Hey birdy" I say and hug Cas "Guys?" I say "I'm sorry, i said bad things that i didn't mean" I say and look at everyone specially Dean "It's okay, everybody makes mistakes,everybody has those days. Plus that wasn't you talking" Sam says and i give him a weird look "Did you just quote Hannah Montana?" I ask

"Did you just recognize it?" Sam says and i put my hands up in defeat "It's good to have you back shorty" Sam says and i smile "I don't get why you are called Moose, you look more like a giraffe" I say and Sam rolls his eyes "Let's party coz Casey is back bitches" I say and dance around

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