chapter 2

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Hey guys so the pic above is your bikini and I hope you enjoy!

Alysha's P.O.V

We fulled apart and smiled.
"Okaaaay then...WHO WANTS TO GO SWIMMING?" Adam yelled and we all said yes and I went to get changed.

I walk onto the deck (don't know what to call it) and see most of the guys shirtless standing there. They all look at me and Jin comes and puts his hand around my waist but I move away.

Adam pushes me into the water and jumps in after me then the rest of the guys jumped in.

I swim over to Max and jump on his back.
"Hey" He said
"Heeeeeeey" I reply

Magical beautiful time skip brought to you by Apple?

We were all sitting inside in our pajamas, I was just wearing shorts and a tank top, watching a movie and I got to pick so of course I pick my favourite movie:'Annie' this was the Annie that came out in 2014

I sang along to the songs but one song I sang made all the boys stare at me.

Time skip to ze morning

I woke up cuddling something. I look up and find out that 'something' more like someone is Max.

I escape is grip and see Jin glaring at us but I choose to ignore it. I go into the kitchen and made bacon and pancakes.

when I finished all the guys came piling Into the kitchen.
"Noooo bacon man, pancake palllll!" Adam yelled while we all laughed and continued to eat.


Sorry this is short I'm really tired but I will be uploading tomorrow hopefully and I hope you enjoyed today's chapters!

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