chapter 25

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Pic is what she's wearing
Alyshas p.o.v

We were going out to a club but I wasn't planning on drinking because to be honest I don't like alcohol.

Time skip to when they've been in the club for around a hour.

I was walking around looking for Simon but then I wish I didn't.

He was making out with another girl then they left together.

I ran  out of the club and someone followed me.

I got to the house then realised Max had been following me the whole way. I unlocked the door and sat I  the couch.

"Alysha are you okay?"
"H-he cheated o-on me..."

He hugged me then I turned to face him.

"I still love you Max"
"I still love you too and I am extremely sorry but that photo was from two years ago from my twitter"

"I'm sorry for believing that"
He took my hands in his.

"Alysha will you be mine again"

"Yes Max, but I need to tell Simon it's over between me and him"

I smile, I finally have Max back in my life. He leans in and so do I then our lips connect.

As soon as our lips connect the door opens to reveal Simon and the rest of the boys.

I walk over to him and raise my hand and slap him.

"It's. Over"

I walk back to Max and Continue kissing him.

Let's just say the boys were all drunk apart from me and Max and things between me and him got heated very quick. So let's just say I had a very good night.

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