Chapter 5

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Alysha's P.O.V

"M-max? " I ask

"Shhh it's okay I'll get you out of here" he says while lifting me up bridal style.

He walks outside and I see my dad getting arrested and Adam in his car.Max puts me in the back and sits next to me.

"Are you okay sis"

"Y-yeah I think so"

We go to Adams house and everyone comes and gives me hugs.

Time skippy to the next day

I wake up on Adams couch, pretty much everyone from the office passed out on the floor.

I walk into the kitchen and see Max and Adam trying to cook breakfast.

"Hey Alysha"

"Hey Ma-" I run into the bathroom and throw up.

Suddenly memory's come rushing back from when I was drugged. I was rapped.

I run out of the house and drive to the nearest pharmacy and buy 3 pregnancy tests.

I go back to Adams house and lock my self in the bathroom and do the test.

Small time skip

I look at the tests
Oh Lord no.

Some one knocks on the door.
"Alysha are you alright" max asks.

I unlock the door
"I-i" I burst out crying and he sees the test.
"Oh Alysha"


I know it's short but I'm kinda busy and tired but I just wanted to get one out so I hope you enjoy.

My Madmax (Mithzan X reader)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora