Ask Creativity77 Reopening

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Hey, guys! I just wanted to let you all know that my ask book, Ask Creativity77 is now open again! 😀 I actually reopened it last month and kept on forgetting to post an A/N about it in this book! So if you have a question for me, just ask me in a comment in Ask Creativity77 or in a private message. You can even ask me for advice too! 😄 If you don't want anyone to know that you were the one who asked, send me the question in a PM and I will either put you as anonymous or just answer you in a PM. Whatever you prefer! I will do my best to give you my best answer. 😃 Just please don't ask me any personal questions! It has been about a year since I've done this so there's new questions to ask me since a lot of things can change in a year, including my own interests. 😀

Have a good morning/afternoon/night, everybody! 🤗🤗🤗


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