Chapter 7: Why?

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I couldn't sleep at all that night. I tried closing my eyes, but my mind wouldn't shut up. I just had so many questions about everything. About Jonathan, Will, my dad, and why I am the way that I am. I sat up in my bed and just journaled. It was the only way I could visually see my thoughts. If it wasn't a log of my day, it was a poem, or a song. I just had to write, but I heard the front door open and the sound of a glass bottle being shattered. I closed my journal and closed my eyes, only to pretend to sleep and not hear anything that was going on. I knew it was my dad. I knew his breath, his steps, and I knew that he had been out drinking with "the guys" tonight. I wouldn't say he was an alcoholic, but he did like to drink when he had the opportunity. I heard my bedroom door open and shut. I assumed my dad was checking in on me. I was surprised since he normally forgot about my existence, at least when he was drunk.

I woke up at the usual time and got dressed to find my dad passed out on the couch. I took a blanket that was folded next to him and spread it out on top of him. I grabbed my breakfast, which only consisted of an applesauce, and my backpack to make it on time to the bus stop. I had three minutes on the dot before the bus came. I saw Mike riding his bike to school and we waved at each other. The bus pulled up and I got on and got off to start my average, regular, boring day.

I got to homeroom and was pretending to listen to school announcements like I always did, when I felt a tap on my arm. It was Nancy.

"Hey Julia." She greeted with a big smile, some things never change.

"Hi Nancy." I tried to sound like I wanted to talk to her, but I just didn't. Especially after Jonathan and I had our little exchange with Tommy and Carol.

"I wanted to know if you wanted to come to a party tonight with me, Barb, and Steve." I actually wanted to vomit when she asked me this question. I like Barb and even Nancy, but not Steve, and if he's there I knew for a fact that Tommy and Carol were there.

"I appreciate the invitation Nancy, but no thanks."

"Look, I know you don't get along with Steve, or Tommy, or Carol but I wanted Barb to come with me because she's my best friend and I didn't want to go alone. I thought I would extend the invitation since we've known each other for a long time." She was right on all accounts, but I still would rather watch paint dry then go to a party with all those idiots.

"Again, no thanks Nancy. Nothing personal to you, I just don't like parties especially with people I don't talk to regularly." I was a decent liar and excuse maker. Thanks dad.

Nancy didn't say anything else and homeroom ended. Overall the day was quick. Teachers have been easing up on kids here in Hawkins since Will's disappearance. I was happy the teachers were cutting us a bit of a break, but not under that circumstance.

It was two o'clock and I was at my locker, when I felt another tap on my arm. This time I was happy to find out who was trying to get my attention because it was Jonathan. He waved the untouched and undeveloped photographs in front of me and I couldn't help but smile. I shut my locker and we walked downstairs to the darkroom together.

I watched Jonathan do the thing he loved to do. It was like he was in his element. I wanted to ask questions and learn more behind why he was doing what he was doing, but I didn't want to interrupt him. He was so into it, so concentrated. He finally hung up the pictures, and we waited for them to dry.

"I want to tell you why I had taken those pictures of you." He said. I stood next to him in front of a counter. I chose not to say anything, but just to listen to everything he had to say.

"I know you don't see it, but you're a very intriguing person Julia. You're unique and you're beautiful. You seem like you have a lot to say, but you don't say it or tell anyone anything about yourself. That's why I like taking pictures of you. I can capture a moment and it says more." Jonathan looked at me since I hadn't said anything.

"I know it's weird." He continued.

"No it's not." I reassured him. I leaned my head on Jonathan's shoulder and wrapped my hand around his wrist that was on the counter in front of us. He leaned his head over on top of mine as we watched the pictures developed.

When the pictures developed, Jonathan took them down from the hanger and we walked out of the darkroom so that we could see them clearly without the red light.

"Ready?" He asked, and I nodded.

We flipped through the pictures together. They were incredible to say the least. I did look shy, but to most people it looked kind of cute. I'm not one to compliment myself, but Jonathan did make me look a little cute in these photographs. So I guess I'm complimenting him, rather than myself. I was leaned up against my wall of posters looking to the side, smiling, looking at the ground, smiling at Jonathan, and then the last one of me was when Jonathan told me to look into the camera like I was looking at someone I love.

"Wow." He whispered.

"What? I know I look stupid, I tried my best." I felt defeated.

"You don't look stupid at all. This is by far the best photograph I have ever taken. You look beautiful." I smiled at Jonathan.

"Do you need a ride home?" I nodded.

We got to the parking lot and both got into Jonathan's car, when I thought of something I had been meaning to ask him.

"I forgot to ask, but how did it go at your dad's?" He started the car.

"He wasn't there. I'm going to go look for him tonight."

"Can I come with you?" I offered. "Two is better than one."

"Are you sure?"

"Yeah, but only if you want me to."


**Thank you guys so much for reading! The growth of reads on this story is INSANE! I just want you guys to know that I will be altering the plot of the story a little bit just for the sake of Julia. Nancy will not be as involved like in the show (clearly but I do love her character, irl) and yeah so I hope you guys keep reading and please leave me some comments! xx**

Shadows and Monsters- A Jonathan Byers/Stranger Things fanfictionWhere stories live. Discover now