Chapter 30: The New Kid

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  I brushed past Nancy and scurried into the building. I walked hastily to my locker urgently twisting the lock, spiraling past the digits trying to match up the combination. Out of breath, I felt the hairs on the back of my neck stand pin straight. 

  "Hi Julia. Are you okay? You seem shaken up." Jonathan stood by my locker, watching my every move.

"I'm okay. Just startled I guess." I tucked my hair behind my ear.

"I'm sorry I haven't called or stopped by I-"

"It's okay. You don't even need to explain." I cut him off as the morning bell rang.

"I'll meet up with you after second period or lunch!" Jonathan yelled as he walked down the hallway. 

   I walked into homeroom and sat in my usual seat. Nancy wasn't in my homeroom this year, and it even saddened me to think that Barb could've been sitting right next to me this year but it just isn't possible. You can't bring someone back to life who's dead. I bit my lip as I tried shifting my thoughts to something else.

"Everyone listen up." Our homeroom teacher spoke up. She looked and motioned towards the door.

"We have a new student with us this year. He just transferred from sunny California. Please welcome Billy."

  I could feel my gut twist and turn inside of me. I avoided all eye contact, though I could feel his eyes burning a hole through the top of my head. I heard the girls whispering and giggling to themselves, to their friends and I sat silently listening. By the time Billy was introduced the bell for first period rang and my entire body flew out of my seat before my brain could even process that action. 

   After History ended, some girl I had never spoken to named Tina was standing by the doorway handing out invitations to a Halloween party. 

"Julia!" Jonathan waved his arms and ran to me through the crowd of students passing by receiving invitations. Tina handed one to me.

"Hey. Did you see this?" I asked him showing the invite that read "Come and get sheet faced" at the bottom.

"Come and get sheet faced? No I think I'll pass. I'm going trick or treating with Will, which of course you are invited to as well as Tina's bash."

"Nancy is probably going to want us to go with her and Steve." I told him.

"Another reason to come home afterwards with you and listen to the Talking Heads while reading Kurt Vonnegut." He laughed at himself and the truth behind his excuses. 

"Sounds like a nice night." I confessed. 

    Following my conversation with Jonathan, I went to study in the library. Nancy and Steve were there too, but I sensed a high tension between them. I know things have been rocky between them for a while now especially with Steve and college and Nancy still having a hard time with Barb's death. Steve even asked me of all people to quiz him on some SAT vocabulary. That alone weirded me out, but I was happy to help. 

    It was then that I decided on my Halloween costume. It was pretty lazy, but I had a red hoodie at home and figured I could be Elliot from E.T., one of my favorite movies. Jonathan wasn't going to do anything, but at least if some kid asks me who I was  I would have an answer. The boys were gonna be the Ghostbusters for Halloween. Nancy told me they had been planning it for a long time now. I thought it was a great idea and knew they would all look so cute dressed up. I wished I was that young again, even though the age difference is only a few years. 

   After classes, Jonathan offered me a ride home. We pulled into Hawkins Middle as we watched Will approach the car, waving by to Mike, Dustin, and Lucas. It had been a while since I had seen or talked to Will because up until this moment, I mostly took the bus home. 

"Julia! So nice seeing you!" Will leaned over for a hug, which made my day.

"Right back atcha! I can't wait to see your Ghostbuster costume tomorrow!" 

"So you're coming trick or treating with us?" He asked.

"I think so!"

"Good job Jonathan. I told him to invite you."

   I was a little worried that Will wanted me there more than Jonathan, but I smiled anyways. I looked over a Jonathan who was already looking at me and gave him a faint smile. He took my hand and squeezed it for reassurance, something he hadn't done in a while.

   Leaving Hawkins Middle, a familiar sight caught my attention. A blue Camaro pulled out a head of us. Revving the engine and showing off, Jonathan pulled back.

"It seems like he wants to race." Will said laughing.

"Well that's not happening with you in the car buddy."

    Jonathan pulled up and tried passing the stunning blue Camaro, but he only went faster until he dangerously went into the other lane where we started to become side by side. We all looked to see who it was, although I already knew.

  Billy smirked and winked while his sister sat with her arms crossed.

"The new kid." Will and I said at the same time.


Shadows and Monsters- A Jonathan Byers/Stranger Things fanfictionWhere stories live. Discover now