Chapter 25: It's Time

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    A part of me felt badly for leaving Mike, Eleven, Dustin, and Lucas by themselves, but we had no choice. It has to be done, for everyone's sake. It's the only right thing to do right now. My thoughts were racing from Hopper and Mrs. Byers, to the kids, to the battle we were about to face. I was a little worried, but I was ready. I could feel it in my bones that we could actually do this and win. We arrived at the police station that looked closed with all the doors locked. We were going to have to break in somehow. 

"How are we going to open the door?" I asked, yanking on the door handle. Without noticing, Nancy had taken a bobby pin out of her hair and bent it, straightening it out. She slid one end in, wiggling it around, until we heard a click that had unlocked the door. 

"Good job." I told her. 

   No alarm had gone off thankfully, but an officer was sitting at the reception desk facing a TV. He hadn't heard us come in, so we quietly walked past him and into the offices of the officers. We looked around the different desks and cabinets, trying to find our goodies, when Jonathan went to check in Hopper's office. He came back to where Nancy and I were and motioned to us that it was, in fact, in Hopper's office. It was sitting right on his desk when Jonathan and I went through the box to make sure everything was there, and it seemed to be that way. I figured it would have been locked away with other weapons or hidden somewhere, but I was glad that it wasn't. The three of us quietly left the station like we came in, and went back into the car. I sat in the front seat with the box in my lap, proud of our accomplishment.

"I'm happy our stuff wasn't locked away somewhere." I told Jonathan.

"Me too." 

   Back at Jonathan's house, we quickly got everything out of the car and went into the house. We put all of our artillery on the living room floor, in a pile, when I noticed a fire extinguisher.

 We put all of our artillery on the living room floor, in a pile, when I noticed a fire extinguisher

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"When did we get a fire extinguisher?" I looked to Jonathan.

"I grabbed it from the station." Nancy said nonchalantly, peering from behind.

"Nancy Wheeler, you are starting to impress me." I admitted to her, which made her smile.

"Okay, we need to put all the bulbs back onto the string lights." Jonathan said, breaking my train of thought.

  Since the day Hopper came and tried to find a bug in the Byers' home, the bulbs were put away with just the string lights up. Nancy collected the bulbs, as Jonathan and I screwed them back into place. We needed the lights so that we could see if the monster or anything else would try to communicate with us. After that was done, Jonathan and Nancy set up the bear trap down the hallway as I loaded the gun with bullets. I was trusting my shooting abilities to be good enough to kill this thing, but with my lack of experience the odds weren't great. 


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