Chapter 19: Help

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  Jonathan and I were still in the police station waiting to be released. They told Nancy and I that we could leave, but I told them that I would stay with Jonathan. Nancy wanted to go home, but stayed with us probably because she felt badly about everything. She kept apologizing, but it didn't change anything. She was still with Steve and he was still harassing us, so what would any apology do?

   Mrs. Byers and Chief Hopper walked into the station together and I sat closely to Jonathan. I held on to his wrist, still wrapped in handcuffs. He wasn't ready to face his mother and the consequences. He was protecting himself and his family, and I just hoped Mrs. Byers understood that.

"Hey! Jonathan! What the hell happened?" Although her voice was raised, she sounded more concerned then anything.

"I'm fine, mom." Jonathan said, staring at the handcuffs.

"Ma'am, your boy assaulted a police officer." The officer who drove us said.

"It was an accident." I tried to tell Mrs. Byers.

"Why is he in handcuffs? Take them off!" She yelled at the officer. 

"I'm afraid I can't do that." The officer looked to Chief Hopper to step in.

"You heard her, take them off." Chief Hopper ordered.

"Chief, there's something you need to see." The other officer stepped forward. 

   The officers led the Chief somewhere that I couldn't see. Mrs. Byers was still with us and asked us what happened. Jonathan and I filled her in and she started to cry. She told me that she was sorry that they did that to me. Nancy was next to us and didn't say a word, but she apologized to Mrs. Byers about everything and that she wished that she could've stopped it. Chief Hopper and the two officers walked in with a cardboard box and placed it on the desk in front of all of us. It was everything Jonathan and I had bought at the army surplus store. Mrs. Byers peeked her head inside and went through all of it.

"What is all of this?" She asked the Chief. 

"Why don't you ask your son? We found it in his car." Chief Hopper was looking straight into Jonathan's eyes without even blinking.

"What?" Mrs. Byers was genuinely surprised.

"Why were you going through my car?" Jonathan asked Hopper.

"Is that the question you should be asking right now? I want to see the three of you in my office now." Chief Hopper pointed at Nancy and I as well as Jonathan.

"You won't believe us." Jonathan told him.

"Why don't you give me a try?" 

   Hopper unlocked Jonathan out of his handcuffs and the three of us walked into his office along with Mrs. Byers. He asked Jonathan and I what we were doing with those supplies and what we were using it for. I looked at Jonathan who was already looking at me. We didn't say a word and the Chief was getting upset. I reached into my pocked and pulled out the photograph of Barb, covered in tape to keep it all together. I pointed to the right hand corner and Hopper wiped his eyes in disbelief.

"What is it?" He asked.

"A monster." I told him. He passed the picture to Mrs. Byers who flinched at the sight of the Demogorgon. Jonathan was biting his nails, thinking no one would believe us. We filled them all in on our theory and that we wanted to kill it.

"You say blood draws this thing?" Hopper asked as he took a puff from his cigarette that I was starting to crave.

"It's just a theory." Jonathan answered.

Shadows and Monsters- A Jonathan Byers/Stranger Things fanfictionWhere stories live. Discover now