Chapter 35: The Truth

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  Murray packaged up the tape to send out to the Chicago Sun Times. Jonathan and I were thrilled that today turned out to be a success. The three of us sat on his couch drinking vodka straight. Jonathan sat next to me with his arm around my waist with Murray sitting across from us.

"To taking down the man!" Murray toasted.

"To taking down the man!" Jonathan and I cheers-ed as we all took a long swig of vodka with jazz music playing loudly behind us. I winced at the strong taste. I never was much of a drinker. I tried to avoid it because of my family history. This is only my second time drinking, with the first being the Halloween party. I didn't mind it, but I knew now to be more careful.

"Commie bastards still know how to make a spirit, am I right?" Murray shouted out, as he proceeded to pour us another round.

"Oh no no no. We can't. We have to get home." I waved my arm in front of our glasses.

"Yeah I have to drive." Jonathan protested with me.

"Drive? What, tonight?" Murray seemed confused.

"My mom.." Jonathan started.

"Would be proud if she knew what you two were up to, and your parents too Julia." I looked down at the floor, not wanting to argue or tell Murray about my home life. I bit my lip and looked over at Jonathan. 

"Just tell them you're at Tammy's or Dawn's or whoever's and take my guest room." Murray interrupted between sips of vodka.

"I mean... do you want to stay?" Jonathan looked into my eyes knowing parents wouldn't be an issue for me, but more so for him.

"It is getting kind of late..." I didn't know what to say. I didn't know this man and didn't want to intrude, but it was late in the night and we had been drinking. 

"Okay.. Uh.. Can I use your sofa?" Jonathan had stabbed my heart. I thought our fight or awkwardness was over...? Why wouldn't he want to sleep in bed with me like we have nights before? 

"Okay I'm confused. What's going on here? Lover's quarrel?" Murray said in disbelief.

"No no.. nothing like that." Jonathan looked over to me to pipe in, but I avoided his eyes completely. Murray began to laugh.

"You've told me a lot of shockers today, but that is the first lie." He pointed at us while holding his glass. "You're young, attractive, you've got chemistry, history plus the real shit.... shared trauma." He paused and pointed at Jonathan, "Trust issues, am I right? Something with your dad?" 

"I mean my dad is an asshole, but-" Jonathan started, but was quickly cut off.

"But you." Murray turned to me. "You're harder to read, but you have issues too. Probably from your family as well, but way different and much worse. You want to be loved and accepted, but you don't know who is going to give that to you exactly and you barely even love yourself."

"Wait what? Uh.. yeah.. yes I do. I'm fine!" I found myself started to shout at Murray again.

"And that ladies and gentlemen was the second lie of the evening. So how'd I do?" Murray rocked back into his chair.

"My goodness, you two are adorable." Murray proceeded to get up and take the bottle of vodka with him. "Listen, there's a pull out sofa in my study if you want it." He continued to talk as he walked up the stairs. "But if I were you, I would cut the bullshit and share the damn bed." He cheers-ed us one last time for the night. Jonathan looked at me for a moment and could tell I was upset.

"I'm sorry. I just didn't want him to think.."

"Think what? That we're together?" I fired back. The alcohol was turning me into someone I wasn't.

"No. It's not that." Jonathan stepped away from me. 

"Then what is it? I feel like you're still mad at me about the party." I stepped closer to him.

"It just hurt to see you close with someone else. I know it wasn't your fault and that you didn't ask for it, but shocked me. If he does that again, he will wish he never moved to Hawkins." 

"Jonathan... I've only wanted to be close to you." 

     A  few moments had passed while Jonathan and I studied each other, while this was happening our bodies were drawing closer and closer to each other. Jonathan cupped my cheek in his hand. He glided his thumb around my cheek, eye, and lips. He smiled and pulled me closer to him. Our chests were pressed together and our legs intertwined. Jonathan leaned toward my face and kissed me like he never had before. Longer, more passionate, and quite frankly it turned me on. Before I knew it, Jonathan led me to the guest room with the bed as we continued kissing. We started pulling on each other's shirts and they both came off between kisses. My arms were flung over Jonathan's broad shoulder as he picked me up by the waist and my legs wrapped around him. We both plopped onto the bed. 

"This is my first time." I confessed to Jonathan.

"Mine too." 


  The  next morning, I woke up next to Jonathan. He was still asleep and I didn't want to move and wake him just yet. My head laid on Jonathan's bare chest and I listened to his heartbeat. It was slow, but comforting to listen to. I smiled. I pressed my cheek on his warm chest and ran my fingers up and down his collarbone. Our legs were so tangled together, I couldn't get up even if I wanted to. I started to hear Murray get up, and I didn't want us to over stay our welcome. Thankfully, without me saying a word I heard and felt Jonathan take a deep breath. 

"Good morning." I said.

"Morning." Jonathan kissed my forehead. I looked up at him and he kissed my lips sweetly.

"We should probably get going. Murray is up." I told him. Jonathan was playing with my hair.

"I'm kind of comfortable where we are." He joked. I sat up.

"You're so beautiful. I wish I had my camera to capture your beauty right now." Jonathan said. I smiled and laid back down kissing him.

"You're sweet, but we do in fact have to get up. I wouldn't wanna live with Murray." I whispered, and Jonathan laughed.

   We both got up and wondered the room trying to find our clothes flung around in different spots. We eventually got dressed and opened the guest room door to see Murray in the same robe making breakfast. We sat down as he dished out plates of eggs and home fries in front of us.

"Thank you." I said. My parents instilled manners in me ever since I could talk. Minutes of silenced passed as we were all eating.

"So.." Murray began. "Jonathan... how was the pullout." Jonathan choked on his orange juice for a moment. I really tried not to laugh.

"Uh, sorry?"

"The sofa." Murray clarified.

"Oh yeah. Yeah, it was good."

"I bet." Murray said with a cheeky smile. After we ate, we started getting ready to leave. Jonathan asked Murray if he could use his phone so he could call up his mom. He told her he was out with me and slept on the couch at my place. I could hear Mrs. Byers tell Jonathan that she missed seeing me and to tell me hi. I smiled at this and Jonathan looked over at me.

"Yeah I will mom. I'll be home for dinner, bye."

"My mom said Mike is at the house. He and Mike had a sleepover."  Jonathan hung up the phone.

"Oh okay."  We headed out the door, when Murray followed behind us.

"Take this for your travels." He handed us a bottle of vodka. "And this to water it down." Along with a bottle of club soda. 

"Got it. Thank you for everything." I held onto the bottle tightly.

"Don't thank me yet. Just keep your eyes out for the papers. And if you need to reach me again. Don't" And just like that the door was closed and locked in our faces.

Cute lil update :) hope you enjoy! 

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 10, 2019 ⏰

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