Chapter 1

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Corrie's POV

"It's over Kyle! Get your stuff and get out!" I growl at my now ex-boyfriend, Kyle growls then leaves the room, "You fucking bitch!" He snarls, "That's me! Now get out!" I hiss.

Moments later my house is empty of Kyle's stuff, I sigh sitting on my couch, "Why are men such jerks?!" I scream.

I stand running my hand through my long black hair, my body screaming for a Bud Light, I sigh, "I'll be back Bootsy!" I call to my tabby cat, he meows and walks off, "Fat kitty" I say, I grab the keys to my car, which is a 2005 black Dodge Ram single cab, turbo powered.

My beautiful truck purrs like a kitten each time I softly press the gas pedal, I walk out of my house locking it behind me, the sound of a Tuesday night crowd reach my ears, my cut off Wranglers hugging my hips nicely, my squared toe boots on my feet.

My white dirty t-shirt on nice and tight, my bad girl country attitude on, I take soft breaths, I smile not seeing Kyle's white Mercedes beside my truck, I live out in the country, at night when the moon glows I like to go outside and listen to music alone thinking about my life.

I love music, it's like my life source, or my galaxy, I also like guns and hunting, fishing, mudding and four-wheelers, I'm also quiet and keep to myself, I climb into the driver seat, once settled in I put my seat-belt on starting my truck after my seat-belt clicks into place, the only thing I hate about diesels is that their gas price is higher and most of the time they have to heat up like my truck.

After my truck is ready, I back out of my driveway, I head down my dirt road where I live, and head into the south side of Chicago, where it is quiet and have nice long necks and cans of sweet but bitter beer, I love the bar they have down there and it's called:

Midnight Bar

So how is it? Plz comment or tell me what I need to change PLZ? 😊


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