Chapter 7

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Corrie's POV

My heart stuttered, his question played in my head like a very addictive song, everyone was quiet waiting for my answer, Ron was looking at me, I could see hope in his bright blue eyes.

I nod, "Yes!" I shout, "I'll marry you!" I jump in his arms hugging him tightly, I pull back from the hug and kiss him tightly, everyone cheered, "Good job Corrie!" I hear Mia shout, "Don't do it Corrie it's a trap!" Sara shouts joking, I pull back from the long kiss, leaving Ron speechless, "Oh haha! That's fun!" I say, then I feel something be slipped on my ring finger, I look down in shock and awe seeing a wedding ring.

I look up at Ron, "I love you," I say smiling, my smile got bigger when Ron pulls me in another kiss.

Ron pulls back, he grabs my hand gently and walks up the stage, "Wait what happened?" I hear Annabelle question, "Did Hidey get married?!" I nod, "To who?" She questions, "Well Anna, to Corrie, who else?" Sara asks.

Annabelle cheers and wraps Ron in a quick hug before he and I walk up on the stage, Ron holds my hand a little tighter, I smile kissing his cheek knowing he was afraid, he looks at me with a soft smile, I nuzzle him, I hear 'aw's from the crowd, "BLECH!" I hear Anna shriek, Ron shoots that little girl a playfully glare, causing Anna to chuckle.

Will smiles along with Sara, "Everyone, listen up," Ron says through the microphone, "You all are probably shocked-" Ron says but Joey cuts him off, "Yeah now Ron won't be lonely for long! But he signed in for jail!" He jokes, I chuckle, "Shut up Joey," he says, Joey gets quiet.

"Let's be serious, I love Corrie," he says looking straight to me, causing me to blush, "There are days I think to myself, 'Why hasn't she left?' But then other days I think to myself, 'Why can't she just look at me?'" He says getting chuckles and laughs from the crowd, "Then it hits me, she loves me," He says looking at me, "Corrie, I want you to know what ever happens to the both of us, after our wedding-" he says but I cut him off, "That better stay in the bedroom," I growl playfully.

"Hey No he can't do that Corrie!" William shouts, I look to Ron then him, "Will shut up," Ron whispers, "He made me a deal! He said if I didn't puke in his truck he would tell me, I didn't so, he has got to keep his end of the deal!" Will shouts, me and the crowd laughs.

Once the laughs have calmed, Ron hands me the microphone, I take a deep breath, "Ron, I want you to know I love and cherish you, I love you more than I do my own life, I will go to hell and back just for you," I say the crowd 'aw's, "But there is one thing I won't ever stop doing," I say, Ron gives me a questioning look, "I won't ever never stop loving you," he pulls me in for a long passionate kiss, I smile with a blush while the crowd cheers.

After the kiss was over, everyone started to dance, Mia walks up to me, "When you get home pack for a whole month!" She orders, I

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