Chapter 14

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Corrie's POV

Alright Corrie you can do this! How nervousness your the boss!!! My heart said ever so soothingly.

No Corrie your going to ruin this! Turn around go back!!!!! My brain screamed I started to panic on the inside.

Sing to yourself! My heart says wanting to get my mind off my brain screaming run like a maniac.

If I could only kill a word~ I sing to myself the Eric Church song I have been stuck on. I'd punch nervousness in the face then beat the crap out of nervousness~ I sing adding my own words. I see Ironhide standing there a shocked look is on his facial features it looked like I just wiped all his cares and fear away.

I grip Daddy's arm tighter from nervousness, I see William by Ironhide's side as his best man, Chromia is on my side being my best woman, I take a deep breath while everyone looks at me, I see Sides and SunStreaker looking at my from my side since they said they wanted to be my best guy friends.

Once to the alter Daddy hands me over to Ironhide but then leans up and whispers something in Ironhide's ear after awhile of whispering Ironhide smirks and nods making Daddy nod then kissing my cheek before sitting down, Ironhide and myself hold one another's hands tightly our hands slightly shaking from nervousness and happiness, "Ironhide? Corrie?" Optimus asks gently making me and Ironhide look over at him "Are you ready?" Me and Ironhide nod.

"We are gathered here today to join Ironhide, our weapon specialist, and Corrie," Optimus says looking at Ironhide then me, then Optimus started to speak in Cybertronian making me look at Ironhide who was looking at me while Optimus spoke, soon me and Hide jump hearing "TILL ALL ARE ONE!!" Everyone in the room starts screaming "Till all are one" chanting it over and over again, then everyone stops Optimus looks at me and Ironhide, "You may now kiss-" Optimus says but I grab Ironhide bending him down and kissing him hard on the lips, "The groom?!" Optimus says surprised I hear all the girls and some guys cheering, "GO CORRIE!!" I hear Will screaming, I pull back from the kiss but Ironhide pulls me back into another long passionate kiss, I wanted Ironhide to lift me up and kiss me a lot harder. I wanted him to touch me and grab me in inappropriate ways. Don't blame me! I haven't seen this sexy man named Ironhide in god knows how long.

Me and Ironhide pull back from the kiss, Ironhide interlocks his arm with mine and walks down the aisle, "I now pronounce you mech and femme!" Optimus cheers while me and Ironhide walked, I held his arm tightly wanting him to kiss him but knowing I couldn't.

Once to the dining area me and Ironhide sit down, Ironhide grips my thigh sexually making me moan in his neck, "When we get alone femme~" he growls sexually, then the others walk in, "Alright time to cut the cake!" Chromia says when SunStreaker and Sideswipe both carrying a beautiful wedding cake, me and Ironhide stand to our feet and walk over to the table holding the cake, Ironhide hands me a knife while people took pictures of us, Ironhide lays his hand on top of me and then we both cut the cake, everyone cheers and claps, I set the knife down and go to feed Ironhide his piece of the cake only to shove it in his face, everyone busts out laughing while Ironhide looked lost, I giggle then yelp when cake is shoved in my face, I grab cake and throw it at Ironhide since he was the one who shoved cake in my face, soon we had a food fight started between me and the soldiers.

Once we all settled down Ironhide had food in his hair and on his face, I reached up and placed a kiss on his lips, "Aht's time for the bride an' groom ta have their first dance!" I hear Jazz call, me and Ironhide meet in the middle, I put my arm around his neck and my hand in his while he wrapped an arm around my waist then Ironhide was handed a beer then I hear a familiar song "It All Started With a Beer" once it got to that part everyone raised their beers and sang:

"Ain't it crazy baby how we got here? OH IT ALL STARTED WITH A BEER!"

I giggle when Ironhide spins me with his handsome grin then pulls me back close to his body, "I love you Corrie," Ironhide whispers and kisses me hard when the song had ended, I rub his shoulders when he pulled back, "I love you too Ironhide," I whisper kissing him again, we pull back from the kiss and put our foreheads together, "Alright! Everyone hit that dance floor!" I hear Sideswipe call, me and Ironhide held one another while we danced slowly to a fast upbeat song, "Come on lovers! Dance!" Sideswipe encourages, I felt Ironhide chuckle while it rumbled through his chest.

He leaned down and put his hands on my hips, "I'm so in love with you Corrie," I grab him and kiss him slow and passionate, he pulls back then picks me bridal style William walks up to "You guys are going to a beautiful vacation spot," William says.

Ironhide walks out of the base with me in his arms, "Baby are you ready?" He whispers kissing my cheek making me nod.

Once outside I see his vehicle mode sitting silently, "Have fun Corrie!" Chromia calls making me smile and hide my face in Ironhide's neck, "Oh we are going to have fun baby~" Ironhide growls sexually sitting me in the passenger seat.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 24, 2017 ⏰

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