Chapter 6

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One Week Later

Halloween Party

Corrie's POV

I take slow deep breaths, standing in the bathroom, my makeup already done, my black and gold mask covering my face, but not my mouth, it sits on my nose perfectly, my heels making me slightly taller, I'm to Ron's lips, so he doesn't have to lean down and kiss me.

A knock on the door interrupts my thoughts, "Sweetspark? Are you ready?" I hear Ron ask, I do some last minute brushing of my hair and teeth, then I slowly walk out of our bedroom bathroom, I see Ron, his black hair a little wet, but with his hair it will dry quickly. I can smell his Axe Phoenix from halfway across the room, Ron turns, and smirks, "Well don't you look mysterious and sexy~" he purrs, I blush behind the mask.

He walks over to me, once chest to chest with me, he cups my cheeks and kisses me gently, his lips are warm and soft, he slowly starts to move his on mine, I let my arms snake around his neck, he lets his hands drop to my hips, gripping them he pulls me closer, he pulls back, I smile and hug him, he hugs me back tightly.

At the Party

I take a deep breath when I step out of Ron's truck, with his help, my heels touch the tile floor of the vehicle hangar, Ron's truck is in the right spot, he interlocks his arm with mine, and we both walk out of the vehicle hangar and walk to a different room, where the party is.

Once at the door, I stop right in front of it, I hear people talking and laughing, I take a deep breath, "Calm down," Ron soothes, his voice is the only thing that can calm me, I hold onto his arm tighter, "You look amazing," he says making me blush, forgetting about the nervousness that is building in my stomach.

I take a deep breath and Ron opens the door, once the door is fully opened everyone stops and looks at us, the entering couple, the male standing straight not slouching, his arm interlocked with the female at his side nervous but isn't showing it, I take deep breaths, Ron walks forward his arm still interlocked with mine, my heels making click click noises on the tile floor, everyone still remains quiet.

All of the men and women looking at me and Ron, who walks over to a table that holds Lennox, his wife Sara, and their 5 year old child, Annabelle, "Daddy, who is the pretty lady?" I hear the small little girl ask while I take a seat, "Anna that is Corrie, Ron's girlfriend," Sara explains, "Corrie, looks pretty," she says using a 5 year old tone.

"Thank you dear," I say softly using a motherly voice with her, "You look adorable too," looking at her black dress, and her small black dress shoes, everyone starts to talk again, then a band walks on stage and starts to play, Ron gets up, "Excuse me, ladies, but I must go talk with Orion," he says politely, walking off.

"Did he just call me a lady?" Lennox asks his wife, "I did," Ron says hearing him, I chuckle, a waiter brings me a slip of paper and a glass of whine, "A letter, and drink," the waiter says, "Thank you," I say grabbing both a glass of whine and letter.

I set my whine glass down and open the letter, I see it's from Joey and Justin I read the letter slowly:

Dear Corrie

         Me and Justin think you look pretty, and we had the waiter bring you some whine, you looked a little nervous, while you and Ron walked in.

P. S

Turn around

I turn around and slightly jump when seeing Joey and Justin, I chuckle at them, they both were wearing black tuxes, Joey is wearing a red and black mask while Justin wears a yellow with streaks of red on it, "Hello boys," Sara greets, "Hey Sara," Joey chirps, "Justin," Sara greets nodding her head slightly, "Hey Sara," he says softly smiling, then his lips pull in a thin line.

Ron walks back over to the table, he maneuvers around them and sits back down, he takes my glass of champagne, "Waiter, this lady needs another whine," he says, slowly taking a sip of my whine, "Meanie!" I say lightly smacking his arm, he looks at Joey and Justin, "Thank you for this wonderful drink," he teases.

The waiter brings me a glass of whine, "Thank you," I say smiling and taking the whine, "Sweetspark, would you like to dance?" He asks, I smile taking his hand, I shrug while passing Joey and Justin, once on the floor, I hear a song me and Ron like, it is 'Tennessee Whiskey by Chris Stapleton'

"Your as smooth as Tennessee Whiskey~" I sing, we both start dancing, my arms wrapped around his neck while his arms are around my waist, our foreheads touching, our bodies close together, I look deep into his blue eyes, I see love, passion, and adoration, I smile at the emotions, he twirls me, causing me to chuckle, I see Lennox and Sara dancing, along with Orion and Elita, and a lot of other couples.

Ron spins me one more time before the song ends, we all start to clap, I hear people cheering, I see Jasper talking with Prowl, I smile when Jazz smiles at me first, Ron takes me back to our table.

He sits me down, he takes a deep breath, he kisses my lips gently, "I love you," he says hugging me.

I watch as everyone takes a seat, something is going on, the room gets quiet, that feeling you get when something is going to happen, and everyone is on it except you, I have that feeling right now.

I hear the microphone getting tapped on, I look up and see Ron, "May I have everyone's attention?" He says, everyone looks at him, I look at him confused, he looks at me, "Corrie, I have known you for 3 years, and I was wondering," he trials taking the microphone and walking towards me.

My heart races, I take a sip of whine, I gasp seeing Ron, on one knee in front of me.

"Corrie Ann Kaylen, will you marry me?"

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