Chapter 12

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The Next Day

Corrie's POV

When I woke up Ron's arms were around my waist and his legs were tangled with mine, I kiss his bare chest, making him stir in his sleep, he looks so adorable sleeping!! Like a little baby sleeping!

I smile to myself and kiss his neck and nuzzle back in his chest, I heard yawning from behind me, I turn my head and see Joey.... Ron wakes up quickly, "What are you doing?" He growls at Joey, "Ah shit, this isn't my room is it?" He asks, Ron shakes his head no, "Well... I thought it was last night so I slept in here... I thought Corrie was my pillow-" he explains but I cut him off, "Am I that fat?" I ask looking at him, "No! I didn't mean it like that! I have a long body pillow I cuddle with and it is as long and slender like you!" Joey explains quickly.

"Get out," Ron grunts, Joey nods and runs out of the room closing the door behind him, "Oh Primus," he sighs laying on his back while I lay on his chest. "We have a lot to do today..." He groans, I kiss his chest and climb on top of him straddling his waist, "Lay back and enjoy~" I purr to him, Ron chuckles putting his arms behind his head using them as a pillow, I kiss his chest up to his neck, he hums in pleasure, he shoots up when I grip his ass, "Corrie!" He yelps, "Nice ass~" I purr, "My stud Muffin~" "I'm not a muffin," he whines, "My sexy muffin~" I coo in a baby tone pinching his cheeks.

"Why do you call me stud muffin?" He asks.

"Because, I love muffins and you are my stud~" I purr, "Oh Primus," he sighs.

"Awwwww! Look at them!!" I hear Elita and Cee both coo, me and Ron groan loudly, I watch Orion walk through the door, "Excuse me Ron-" he says but he cuts himself off, his eyes widen, "His innocence is gone," I murmur, "I shall come back later.." Orion says awkwardly and walks out, "Yay! Now everyone knows what I look like shirtless," Ron groans, "Well at least it isn't me," I shrug.

"WAIT CORRIE IS SHIRTLESS! JUSTIN GET THE CAMERA!!!" I hear Joey yell, I sigh, "Idiots," Ron grumbles, then Joey and Justin both run in they both have cameras, "Frag," Joey snaps and pouts, "You idiot it's false alarm!" Justin growls, they all walk out of the room closing the door behind them.

Ron pecks my lips and gets up making me fall on the floor on top of clothes I need to wash, "Boy! I'm gonna hit you!" I snap jumping up and tackling him to the floor, he yelps in surprise making me giggle and then gasp when he pulls off my shirt, "I like it when your shirtless~" he purrs putting his head between my breasts making me giggle.

"Corrie?" He asks looking up at me after a few seconds of silence, I hum, "Would you love me no matter what?" He asks, "Babe, you could be a neko for all I cared, I would still love you," I say kissing his forehead, "No matter what?" He asks again, I stroke his hair with a smile "No matter what," I clarify, "Lets get dressed," he says blankly getting to his feet then helps me up.

I look at him confused but shrug it off and got dressed.

Moments Later

"Why can't I ride with Ron?" I whine to Lennox who is driving his silver 2016 GMC truck which isn't as sexy as Ron's truck. "Because he's got things to do," he explains while we pulled up to base where Ron works at, we pulled up in the vehicle hangar I saw all Ron's teammates vehicles.

"Hey where is Ron? I really want to see him," I say climbing out and closing the door, "You'll see him but first," Lennox says clapping his hands, "What your about to see is totally classified, if you speak a word of what you see you will go to prison for treason, guys you know what to do," Lennox says seriously.

I felt kind of scared, "I don't-" I say but then I hear metal bending and gears hissing, hydraulics releasing I watch in awe and shocked while these VEHICLES TRANSFORMED in front of me!!

When they all were done they all looked down at me, then my eyes catch the most ATTRACTIVE robot in this whole room.

It was the one from last night, but damn did he look sexy as hell in the light. My breathing hitched while I looked at this sexy robot, he had 2 HUGE sexy ass cannons on each of his arms! Built body, sexy face, beautiful blue eyes that glowed, he was like a robotic angel.

I wanted to melt at his feet from how hot he was!

I walked up to him slowly, 'HE IS SO FUCKING HOT!!!!!!' My thoughts squealed.

"Hey handsome~" I say with a charming smile, "How can I get a man like you in my bed~" I purr, I hear some chuckling while the sexy goes blank, "I could have you and Ron, oh that would be fun~" I purr letting my fingers trail up his foot, I hear snickering and some laughing.

"Oh baby~" I purr, "Did I scare you?"

He shakes his head no quickly, "Then talk to me~ I want to hear your sexy voice~" I purr, "Corrie," he says, "Holy shit! You are Ron?!" I squeak, "I'm marrying a sexy dude!" I cheer then dance around, "Wait! Why didn't you tell me that you were super hot?! Anyways I knew you were hot from the beginning but still!" I snap crossing my arms and cocking a hip, "You could have gotten hurt!" He says crossing his arms with a sexy frown, "Alright almost married couple! Now that you know out secret what's yours?" I hear Mia asks I turn and see purple female robot on a wheel, "I'm Chromia by the way!" "My secret is, that I regret not doing Ron in the backseats!" I sat latching to his foot, "My name is Ironhide, Corrie," Ironhide grunts, "That name is so hot!" I squeal, "Alright Corrie! We get it Ironhide is hot!" Will groans after I keep telling Ironhide he's hot over and over again.

Moments Later

I am sitting on Ironhide's shoulder while he explains what N.E.S.T was and who the Autobots were. He even introduced me to all of the Autobots.

"Corrie? Are you even listening?" Ironhide asks poking me with a finger, I giggle and nod, "Yes Stud Muffin," I say in a teasing tone pecking his metal cheek, "What will I do with you?" He asks looking at me "Who knows?" I shrug then go to smirk but Ironhide stops me, "Don't even think about saying something dirty," he says making me pout, "Meanie!" I whine laying my head on his, I kiss the side of his head.

"Corrie? Do you still love me?" He asks.

"I told you no matter what"

It all started with a beer Unde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum