Chapter 2

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Corrie's POV

Once at the bar I get out of my truck slowly, I grab my keys and then lock my truck.

The moon shining brightly it's reflection is seen in my trucks smooth metal, I let out a low whistle when I see a c5500 GMC TopKick black, two smokers on the back tailgate behind the crew cab, I stopped walking to check this truck out!

It's tires look like they costed an arm and a leg, which means they cost a lot! If this truck was a man I would be all over him!

I chuckle at my weird thoughts, I walk into the bar, Tuesday night crowded bar, the smell of a cheap cigar reaches my nose, then I hear the bartender yell at the guy with the cigar, they argue for a bit but when the word "Cops" shows up in the bartender's sentence, the man with the cigar leaves quickly.

I chuckle and look around the room, my eyes spot the bar, then I see a very attractive man sitting at the bar, he has black hair, his blue eyes kind of looks like they're glowing, his black pants wrapped loosely around his legs, I can see his black cowboy boots, his leather belt with a shiny belt buckle?! Oh yes this ladies is a real cowboy!

My eyes catch the black cowboy hat on the bar, the Bud Light glass bottle in his hand, "Come on Ron" the guy beside him says, this man looks army, he has short brown hair with hazel or blue eyes, they look brown from a distance, "No, I am going to stay here and drink this!" The black haired cowboy says.

My heart flutters at his gruff voice, the man beside the cowboy groans, "If then Bartender get me a Bud light!" The man orders, "Can or bottle?" The bartender asks, "Bottle" the man replies back, my heart skips a beat when I see a single open spot beside the cowboy.

I take a deep breath and walk over to the empty bar stool, I sit down, I look up at the small flat screen hanging off the wall, football is an amazing sport, very captivating, I like to watch them get tackled, but other than that football is very interesting.

Ironhide's POV

I was jolted from my thoughts when I see a very beautiful human femme sit by my side on an empty bar stool, her long black hairs goes to the middle of her back, looks soft, her blue eyes interested into the small flat screen TV, I let my optics daringly look down at her shirt, it is white and dirty, it has oil and dirt stains on it, her cut off shorts hugging her hips nicely.

I feel a nudge on my shoulder, I look over at Lennox, "Buy her a drink" he urges.

"I don't even know what she drinks!" I snap in a whisper, "You are terrible at picking up girls" he mumbles.

"Yes ma'am what can I get you?" The bartender asks the femme, "Do you have Jack Daniels and Coke?" She asks, I watch as Lennox's jaw drops, "This is a real country girl" He whispers in my audio receptor.

Corrie's POV

"I'm sorry but we don't" the bartender says apologetically, "Okay I'll take a Bud Light?" I ask.

"We've got those" he says and then grabs a beer out of no where, "Here ya go" he says and sets the beer down "Enjoy" he says with a smile.

I put the top of the beer on the bar and then hit the top, the lid comes off on to the bar, the cowboy beside me looks impressed, he turns and faces me, "Hey" he greets his voice makes my heart leap, I look at him, "Hey" I say and take a soft sip.

"I'm Ron, Ron Hide" he says while putting a hand out to shake, I smile while the man behind him face-palms with a "Oh brother" I take Ron's hand and shake, "Corrie, Corrie Calvin" I say with a smile.

"That's a very beautiful name" he says and we shake hands, we let go when done.

Moments later

Ron is very sweet, he's a gentlemen, he has introduced me to his friend Lennox, who is in the military along with Ron.

"So uh Ron?" I say, Ron looks at me, "Yeah?" He asks, "So uh, what do you do? For the military what's your specialty?" I question setting my elbows on the bar looking at him interested, "I'm a weapon specialist" he says.

"Are you serious?" I ask with a smile, he only nods, "Whoa that is so hot!" I say but then close my mouth at what I just said, Ron chuckles at my action, "Well thank you" he says with a soft smile.

"So Corrie what do you do?" Lennox asks, "Well I'm a bull rider and I break horses on my friends ranch" I say sheepishly, "Well I might have to come by and watch you sometimes" Ron says, I blush, I go to take a drink but my beer is empty.

"Uh Bartender," Ron says catching the bartenders attention, "I need two Bud Lights over here, bottle please" Ron says, he looks at me with a smirk, "It's on me" he says, causing me to chuckle at his tone, which was no room for argument but remained soft.

"Uh oh! Ron, we need to leave!" Lennox shouts, "What's wrong?" Ron asks, "Wife is angry!" He shouts running out of the bar after slamming money down, Ron growls, then pays for his drink and then I pay for mine, Ron grabs my hand and I grab my things.

Ron escorts me out of the bar, once outside Ron leads me over to my truck after I told him which one, once I'm by the tailgate Ron lets go of my hand slowly, "Uh sorry" he says rubbing the back of his neck, "No it's fine" I say with a smile, "Will I see you again?" He asks.

"I'm pretty sure, hey do you want my number?" I ask, "I know we just met and all, but you are very friendly and hot" I say blushing softly when I said hot, Ron chuckles, he pulls out a pen from his back pocket, I grab a small piece of paper and I write my number down, "Call me" I say and hand him the paper.

He smiled and takes it, before he leaves I hug him, Ron on the other hand looks surprised, "Ooooh! Ron is getting hugged!" I hear a drunk Lennox says from the passenger seat hanging out the window.

A rumble runs through Ron's chest as he chuckles, I pull back from the hug, "See ya" I say getting in my truck and drive off to my lonely house.

Ironhide's POV

I hear Lennox mumbling things under his breath, "If you puke in my alt-mode I will murder you slowly!" I warn him, "Ironhide, you are my best friend! And if you ever get laid, I want to be the first motherfucker you tell!" He says drunk and slurring his words.

"Sara is going to kill us both" I mumble.

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