Chapter 9

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The Next Day

Corrie's POV

When I woke up I saw Ron, he was still asleep, his shirt is off, my shoes and socks are off, Ron's head is on my pillow, his arms are wrapped around me, he had an innocent look on his face, he looks adorable sleeping, his black hair in a slight mess it was to his ears.

I smiled remembering he proposed to ME!! I took a deep quiet breath, okay Corrie, cool it, you don't want to scare your fiancé away. Which is probably impossible after all the things you have done to embarrass him, like accidentally pushing him into the freezers at Walmart, or when he was picking out clothes you hid in a rack and screamed "Pick Me!" or randomly threw a bra in his cart when he wasn't looking... I am an amazing girlfriend!

I chuckle remembering his embarrassed face when I told him in Walmart about periods, he was SO red, I felt sorry for Joey and Justin because they were listening, I grumbled remembering Joey.

Who randomly put 'protection' in random peoples cart when they weren't looking. Then Justin saw a My Little Pony toy, and threw a two year old temper tantrum because Ron kept saying no. Ah, I love going to Walmart with them.

I got lost in my memories, unknown to me Ron was awake. He was looking down at me smiling.

Ironhide/Ron's POV

When I came online, Corrie was in my arms, smiling, her helm was somewhere else, like in the clouds or something, I looked down at her, I smirked remembering I asked her to be my spark mate and she said yes, I couldn't see her for a month until the bonding or the wedding.

Today I had to take her to base, since the others wanted to see her, "Ron? Are you okay?" I jolt hearing Corrie's kind, caring voice question, I look down at my-soon-to-be spark mate "I'm better now," I say kissing her lips gently, she smiles into the kiss, I nipped her bottom lip gently, which made her gasp, giving me the chance to slip my glossa in her mouth and let our glossas caress one another. She bites down on my glossa gently, making me moan deeply in her mouth.

Corrie's POV

Ron moaned deeply inside of my mouth when I bit down on his tongue gently, not wanting to hurt him, he slowly got on top of me by moving towards me, his hands and knees held him above me, I let my fingers go through his hair, our kiss getting more and more heated, his hands trailing all over my body.

"Oh Ron~" I moan when his kisses move to my neck, "Corrie~" he groans when I accidentally let my nails dig into his back. After awhile of making out with my fiancé, we pull back breathing heavily, I chuckle when Ron just lays on me, I comb his hair, he snuggles between my breasts.

"I love you~" he says breathlessly.

At Base

We had finally made it to the base, I was dressed into a white tee and my Wranglers, and Ron's cowboy boots, which actually kind of fit me, they are comfy, I see Joey and Justin, "Hey Corrie!" They both yell running over to me and hugging me tightly, "Hey guys," I say hugging them back, they both pull back from the hug, "Hey we should all four go to Walmart?" Joey suggests.

"NO!" Me and Ron shout at the same time, "What's this whole deal with Walmart?" Mia asks walking up, "Joey put protection in other peoples cart, when they weren't looking. Justin, threw a two year old tantrum over a My Little Pony toy, I "accidentally" pushed Ron into the long deep freezers," I say doing the bunny ears around accidentally, "So Walmart doesn't like you guys?" Elita asks walking up.

"Nope," me and Ron say not really caring if Walmart loved us or not.

"Oh remember that one time, when the intercom came on? And I hit the floor on my knees screaming "What else do you know?!"?" Joey asks chuckling, we all chuckle, "Note, do not take Joey and Justin to Walmart," Cee says walking up with Brett, "Haha, shocker, we have to go to Walmart," Mia says.

"Walmart! Walmart!"

"Oh Primus just end this day!"

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