Chapter 13

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Months Later

Corrie's POV

"Corrie! Wake up!" I hear Chromia call, "No leave me alone!" I whine, "Today is the most important day of your life!" She calls, I shoot up out of bed.

"MY WEDDING DAY!" I squeal.

Yes today is the day me and Ironhide get married!!!

I was so excited that it shielded my nervousness. I could feel my heart pounding in my chest while I jumped in the shower after taking off my nightclothes and undergarments. I could stop the happiness that was flowing through me, I was getting married to a man I love! A man that would always be there for me, a man that loves me as much as I do him possibly even more.

After my shower I brushed my teeth, then hair and blow dried it, dancing and humming.

I was definitely ready to get married to Ironhide!

Ironhide's POV

"Ironhide? Wake up bro! Your getting hitched today!" I hear William yell then I am hit with a pillow, I groan and sit up, "What Will?" I ask rubbing my optics, "Your getting hitched to Corrie!" He says with the brightest smile I have ever seen from him.

My optics widen and I look at the time, "You've got an hour an a half to get ready!" William reminds me, when he's gone I smile to myself.

I was going to get married to a femme I loved. A femme I would kill for, a femme I would die for! I loved Corrie more than she knew, today was our wedding day! I was so happy! The bachelor party last week was amazing.

Corrie's POV

"Remember what we did for your bride party last week?" Chromia asks while she helped me zip up my wedding dress, "Yes! We saw male strippers!" Arcee cheers holding a cup of Jack Daniels and Coke in her hand then taking a sip, I giggle with a smile, "There's my little girl!" I hear a familiar voice call, I turn and see my father.

He has old gray hair with a pudgy face and brown eyes, he was a fun guy to he around he always smelled of manure since he's still a truck driver.

"Daddy!" I cheer walking up him and hugging him, he pulls back and cups my cheek in his hand, he gives me a fatherly smile, "My little girl is growing up so fast," he whispers letting his thumb stroke my cheek, "Your mother would be so proud," he says kissing my cheek, "I love you too Daddy!" I say hugging him, Chromia and Arcee tell dad to leave politely, "Okay, okay, I'm going don't rush me," Dad says playfully walking out the door, "You better leave!" Chromia calls teasing my father while shaking a fist her and Arcee got along with my dad pretty well, "Oh your dad is so sweet," Arcee says putting on my makeup while Chromia held my arms behind my back, "I didn't agree to make up!" I yelp while Arcee adds some blush and foundation, "Almost done! Corrie close your mouth! I need to add your lipstick!" Arcee shouts making me close my mouth and pucker my lips.

"Good femme" Chromia praises planting a kiss on my cheek.

Ironhide's POV

I felt like an idiot in this tux but I would do it for Corrie, anything for her.

I kept taking deep vent and muttering confident words to myself but I couldn't when Annabelle was jumpin all over the guest berth screaming the nickname she gave me:


"Annabelle" Sarah starts, "How about you help Mommy with getting her hair brushed," Annabelle loves brushing her mothers hair then finally Annabelle left me alone with my thoughts once the door was closed I sat down on the messy berth, my servos holding my faceplates then the door opens and Will walks in, "Bro, I get it," he starts making me look up at him, "Your nervous!" He says with a wide smirk thinking it was just a ball seeing me nervous.

"What makes you think that?" I reply sarcastically.

"I don't know," he shrugs taking a spot beside me, "Don't worry Hide," he says putting a servo on my shoulder plating patting a few times, "I remember when me and Sarah were getting married, I was so nervous I started to cry," he says making me smile, "No! You?" I tease making Will smack me in a playful manner, "Yes! Me!" He said with a playful glare, "I didn't think I could do it, but Ironhide when you see Corrie in her wedding dress with her hair and makeup done, all your cares and worries will go away, you would be taken away by her looks. Everything that's going on in your life would wash away Ironhide, trust me," he says sounding wise, I pat his shoulder "Thanks Willy," I tease saying the nickname he hates, "Your welcome Hidey!" He teases making me chuckle, "Boys! Come on time to go!" Sarah calls making me and Will jump slightly, "Oh and one more thing" Will says stopping me, "What?" I ask raising an optic ridge.

"Women are always right!"

Corrie's POV

"You look so beautiful!" Sideswipe cheers seeing me in my wedding dress, I see SunStreaker behind him with a small smile on his lips, "Guys!" I cheer hugging them both, Sides and SunStreaker have been like brothers to me over the past few months they still like to flirt with me but it's not that bad.

Sideswipe hugs me back just as tight careful not to mess up my dress or makeup, "My little femme is growing up so fast!" He cries, I chuckle and pull back seeing he's actually crying, SunStreaker smacks him over the head, "Get yourself together Sideswipe!" He says I could see the tears he's holding back, I hand them both a Kleenex, "Here you go Sides and SunStreaker," I say with a smile they take the Kleenex and dry their tears, "I can't believe we are giving our only sister away!" Sideswipe cries hugging me making me chuckle.

I pat his back smiling, Sideswipe pulls back with a smile and wipes his tears, "I can't wait!" I squeal happily making Sideswipe chuckle, "We just saw Ironhide, he looks like a nervous wreck," Sideswipe teases making me chuckle, "Alright let's go!" SunStreaker says grabbing my hand in his, "They all are waiting for us!" Sideswipe says then taking my hand and leading me out his car.

Once I'm inside his car he drives off.


We, meaning me and Ironhide, decided that we wanted to have the wedding at the base, Optimus had agreed to marry us, what a sweetheart right?

Anyways I climb out of Sideswipe's car, I have never been so nervous in my life, my hands felt like cement along with my feet, my heart felt as if it would explode into a million pieces, I felt like I was going to mess up the best day of my life but my heart told my body that I would be fine.

"Corrie, your finally here!" Chromia says wrapping me in a hug before fixing my dress, "Alright you good?" Arcee asks noticing I'm pale, "Fine" I whisper then daddy comes up to me, "Sweetie, I know your scared but Ironhide is the perfect match for you," Daddy says stroking my cheek.

"I'm so nervous! I'm even more nervous when I told Ironhide I liked him!" I squeak, "Sweetie, this is more beautiful and amazing then telling someone you like them, it's called being a woman standing up after pushing your nervousness down after it pushed you down, Corrie you've got to fight back show nervousness you can kick an ass!" Daddy says getting me pumped.

"Okay Daddy! I'm ready!" I say then interlock my arm with Dad's.

But my adrenaline wore out while I walked down the aisle....

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