Part 8

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Sean rose slightly off Signe in surprise.  Why did he have to think about Mark now?  Signe reached up to touch his forehead, asking with concern.  "Are you sure you're alright"?  Sean licked his dry lips, shaking Mark from his mind as he leaned back down to kiss her again.  He cupped her cheek and deepened the kiss, letting his free hand glide along her side to pull her knee up to his waist.  She moaned against his lips as a way to urge him on, tugging at his shirt trying to pull it off.  Sean got the hint, sitting back enough to pull his shirt over his head.  Signe leaned up into him to kiss his throat, sending chills down his skin.  She even began to stroke his chest hair like she wanted to soothe him into an euphoric state.  He was even surprised that it had a calming effect on him.  Grabbing her legs he pulled her hips tight against his, pushing her back down to lay over her again.  She continued to kiss his throat, and he started to unzip his jeans.  Signe laid back to watch him a moment before stopping his hand gently. 

Sean looked at her confused, when she asked him a little embarrassed.  "Do you have protection? I didn't bring any with me".  Sean stopped fussing with his pants and shook his head.  Signe sighed in disappointment, before asking hopefully.  "What are the odds of you running to the nearest store"?  Sean looked at the hotels clock, replying bluntly.  "Not very good. Not if we want to make our flight tomorrow morning".  Signe pouted, but mumbled.  "I guess we'll just have to wait, until we get home then".  Sean crawled off her to sit on the edge of the bed.  He wasn't sure what disappointed him more... not having sex with her, or how he could have had sex with Mark...  He didn't want to think this way.  He couldn't stop thinking about what Mark must be doing now.  Feeling lonely?  Feeling betrayed?  He dropped his head into his hands, sighing heavily.  When he was with Mark, all he could think about was Signe.  When he was with Signe, all he could think about was Mark.  How was he suppose to be in two places at once?  He couldn't choose between them!  Signe's arms slid around his bare shoulders, tentatively asking.  "You're not mad at me are you"?  He simply shook his head. 

She wasn't convinced as she slipped off the bed to face him, asking.  "What is going on with Mark and you? If it's something I did, just tell me.  Otherwise, if you-".  She suddenly trailed off, but kept staring at him with a look of someone deep in thought.  Slowly she kneeled down before him, asking gently.  "Sean... Did something happen between the two of you"?  He turned away from her to stare at the other side of the room.  He was afraid of her seeing the guilt in his eyes.  He heard her sigh softly, uttering out in a soft whisper.  "The question you asked me earlier... Did you ask that because 'Septiplier' happened? You cheated on me".  Sean felt a knife plunge into his heart and he covered his eyes with his hand, unable to say a word.  As the realization hit her, her voice rang with pain.  "Jesus, Sean! We had one fight! How did it even happen?  Were you drunk"?  Sean couldn't be next to her anymore.  He felt too ashamed and tormented to be in her presence. 

Pacing the room once or twice, he stopped to lean back against the small desk.  He decided he wouldn't lie to her.  She deserved to know.  Taking a deep breath, he felt tears start to rim his eyes as he told her honestly.  "I wasn't that drunk. I was just hurt... Mark... He... We didn't have sex. We just made out a bit. I didn't want to tell you because I don't want to loose you. I tried to tell Mark it was never going to happen again but.... he through that question at me and since then... I...".  He couldn't find the words to continue and he couldn't read her expression, so he asked nervously.  "Signe, say something please"?  Signe removed a pillow from the bed and hugged it close to herself, asking softly.  "What do you want me to say? Do you love him? Are you leaving me for him"?  Sean moved closer to her, dropping to his knees as he told her whole-heartedly.  "No! Signe, I love you"!  Her soft eyes burned right through his core, when she asked.  "What is Mark to you"? 

Sean wanted to answer, but couldn't... so he shrugged.  Signe looked away from him, and he resorted to begging as he said.  "I don't think either of us know what this is. It's a fantasy".  Signe scoffed softly, telling him gently.  "You're very close friends. It's possible you're even curious".  Sean opened his mouth to tell her how much he loved her, but she covered his mouth.  To his surprise, she smiled at him and sweetly added.  "Don't. I know. I'll make you a deal, Sean".  She removed her hand and he sat back on his heels feeling a little uneasy.  She took a deep breath, before saying.  "I'll let this 'Septiplier' ship run it's course. Let you play it up for the fan-girls... let you secretly experiment behind closed doors with Mark... but when I need you.  I want you here with me.  At least, until you realize who you desire more".  Sean pulled her into a hug, telling her lovingly.  "I don't deserve you, Signe. My life is with you". 

Signe hugged him back tightly for a long moment.  Then as if to break the heavy tension of the moment, she whispered playfully into his ear.  "Can I watch"?  Chuckling loudly, he let her go and she added sweetly.  "What? I told you, I ship it too".  Sean blushed and turned away smiling as Signe throw a fist into the air, saying playfully.  "Septiplier away"!  Sean climbed to his feet, mumbling out.  "Shhh, the ship has sunk".  Signe grabbed his shirt and tossed it to him, seriously telling him.  "Not if you go see him right now".    To Be Continued...                                                                                         

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