Part 13

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Mark carefully laid Sean down across his large bed.  Sean was still dripping wet from the tub, but Mark wasn't concerned about it as he pulled the blanket up over Sean's shoulder.  Brushing his hand through Sean's long green bangs, he smiled to himself.  He wanted to savor this moment for a long as he could.  Dreading every second that brought the dawn closer.  He didn't know what he would be willing to do to keep Sean here with him.  Chica rubbed against his leg, forcing him to look away from Sean.  He had to take her out one last time before joining Sean.  Slipping on his Markiplier pajama bottoms, he lead Chica out of the room.  While watching Chica pace around the backyard through the glass door, his mind drifted to the agony of seeing Sean leave.  He had been lying to himself... he couldn't share Sean with Signe.  Sean couldn't be there for both of them.  It would destroy him.  Someone had to let go.  Warm tears started to form under Mark's eyes... because the answer was obvious.  Taking a deep breath, Mark brushed the tears away quickly.  Sean would still be his best friend... but Signe needed him more than him.  More importantly, Sean needed her.  It didn't seem fair, but life never was.  All he could do now was get ready for the fall.  He was ready for it now.  Letting Chica back in, Mark bent down to hug her close.  He just had to get it all out now... Otherwise, if Sean saw him like this... he'd never believe that he'd be ok.  He couldn't be selfish.  Sean's happiness had to come first.  That's the price a true friend would make.

Once Mark was confident that he had cried himself out enough, he slipped back into his bedroom and carefully under the covers beside a sleeping Sean.  Laying on his side, Mark stared at Sean's smooth pale back.  He didn't want to wake him, but he just couldn't sleep.  He didn't want to miss a single second with Sean while he still had him.  Carefully Mark reached out to slide the back of his hand down the path of Sean's spine.  His skin felt smooth and warm to the touch, and it felt so therapeutic to do.  When Sean didn't show any sign that he was aware of his touch, he tried running his palm along Sean's back.  This time Sean did stir. 

Sean hugged the pillow close, smelling Mark on them... but even that wasn't helping him sleep.  Mark had taken Chica out and hadn't returned in a long while.  He had felt exhausted...but now that Mark was gone, he felt more worried and sad.  He didn't want to leave.  However, he also had Signe to worry about.  Was she feeling like he was now?  All alone in a hotel room without him... waiting for him.  Gripping the pillow tighter in his arms, he tried to ignore the plaguing thoughts that were beginning to overwhelm him.  He didn't want to think about what he'd have to do tomorrow... he wanted to keep his mind in the here and now!  Which was surprisingly difficult without Mark close by.  Mark's presence always relaxed him.  He could always count on Mark's strength to help him through anything.  A role he played for Signe...  The thought vanished as quickly as it had arrived, when he heard Mark coming down the hall.  Sean closed his eyes, pretending to be asleep as Mark slipped in behind him.  He wanted to roll over and wrap himself around Mark's warm chest... but should he?  Did Mark usually cuddle after sex?  For a time the room was filled with an eerie silence, expect for when Chica would rattle her collar and shift around on the floor.  Then something warm and soft slowly made its way down his back.  Sean didn't want to move incase Mark stopped.  It felt good and he craved the contact.  Mark's hand then glided down his back, and Sean decided to move.  Reaching back behind himself, he felt around for Mark's wrist and pulled it back over to snuggle against.  Mark had to shift right up against him, but Sean welcomed the warmth against his back.  Feeling safe and protected in Mark's strong arms... Sean finally felt himself drift off to sleep. 

Mark couldn't remember ever falling asleep, but now that he was waking up, a panic was setting in.  Sean was gone!  Sitting up, Mark looked around.  Sean wouldn't have just left without saying a word... would he?  Quickly climbing out of bed, he realized that Chica was also missing from her bed.  Very slowly, Mark made his way down the hallway.  Mark didn't want to find out that Sean had already left... he wanted to at least say goodbye.  The closer he got to the kitchen, the more he felt better.  Chica was zipping around the kitchen around Sean's feet as he was making breakfast and softly singing along to a song playing in his earbuds.  Half hiding against the wall, Mark watched him start singing the chorus to "Livin on a prayer" by Bon Jovi.  It was the first time Mark had ever seen him so carefree.  He had to admit.  He liked seeing Sean like this.  It really showed a rock n' roll attitude that he kept under tight wraps.  He was so into the song that he didn't even notice that Mark was now standing in the kitchen.  So when he turned in the middle of singing the 'OOH OOH' part, his voice creaked and he jumped back against the counter screaming.  "OOH FUCK"!  Mark broke into fits of laughter, while Sean yanked out his earbuds snapping out.  "Damn it, Mark!  You nearly gave me a heart attack".  Trying to control his uproarious laughter, Mark barely was able to squeak out.  "I don't remember 'Oh fuck' being in that song".  Sean hit him on the shoulder, blushing a bright red as he mumbled out.  "Shut up".  Mark caught the smile that Sean was trying to hide, and wrapped his arms around him in order to stop him long enough to kiss his neck. 

They ate a quick breakfast in an awkward silence after that.  Neither one really wanting to bring up the fact that Sean had to leave.  At least, until Signe called Sean's phone.  Biting his lip nervously, Sean asked Mark hesitantly.  "She wants to know if she should get a cab to the airport, or wait for us. You don't have to come. I can take a cab".  Mark sipped his coffee a second, before replying as cheerfully as he could.  "Don't waste your money. Tell her we'll drop by to pick her up in about ten minutes".  Sean nodded, relaying the message to Signe, before hanging up.  Getting up to put his empty coffee cup in the sink, Sean winced, gripping the table for support.  His ass was really feeling the pain this morning.  Sean caught Mark's smirk that he tried to hide in another sip of his coffee, and playfully shot back at him.  "What are you smirking at? I've got a twelve hour flight coming and I can barely move thanks to you".  Mark flashed him a bold smile, replying playfully.  "I can't wait to hear the excuse you plan to tell Signe. You wanna tell me now so that our story is straight? Did you fall"?  Sean flicked Mark off, before wincing his way over to the sink.

Ten minutes later they had picked up Signe and were on the way to the airport.  Where Signe happily leaned in between the front seats, asking them curiously.  "So? What did you guys do last night"?  Sean chuckled nervously, turning his head to look out the window.  So, Mark quickly answered confidently.  "Mostly played games all night and talked through some things. Then I made him sleep on my couch, which he shared with Chica. So, he's a bit short with me now. Now that he's so sore and all".  Mark caught Sean's surprised look and chuckled to himself.  The plan was NOT to bring it up until she did.  Even then, the plan was to say... he fell.  Sean should know him well enough by now to know that wasn't a good enough excuse.  Signe reached over to rub Sean's shoulder, comforting him as she told him.  "You just have to suffer for twelve hours and then you can rest at home".  Sean just nodded to her, before she turned her attention to Mark, asking playfully.  "So... no septiplier romance"?  Sean had the look of a deer in the headlights.  Luckily, Signe wasn't looking at Sean.  Playfully, Mark told her in fake honesty.  "Nope. Nothing happened. You don't have to worry".  Signe grinned, playfully mumbling back.  "What a shame. It had the right setting for it".  She sat back, just as Mark and Sean shared a look. 

At the gate, Mark hugged Signe tightly and she hugged him back, telling him cheerfully.  "It was good to see you, Mark. Thanks for looking out for Sean. Maybe next time we visit we can do a double date"?  Mark chuckled, playfully replying.  "You mean with Chica"?  Signe chuckled, and turned to look at Sean.  Sean looked like he wanted to say so much, but was pressed for time.  Signe patted Sean's shoulder, backing away as she said calmly.  "I'll give you two a minute".  Sean nodded, then stepped in to hug Mark firmly.  Mark wrapped him back in a tight hug, whispering against his ear.  "I love you too. Now go. Your girls waiting".  Sean forced himself to step away, so Mark told them out loud to lighten the mood.  "See you two in a few months. Otherwise, just call me when you wanna chat".  Sean smiled back at Mark, telling him sweetly.  "Take care of yourself, Mark. The next Pax isn't that far away and I plan to see you there"!  Mark waved to them, watching Sean take Signe's hand as they left into the terminal.  The End. 

*Out Now* The Sequel; "The Septiplier Secret".                                                                                                                                                                                               

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