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Weeks passed and Harry was noticeably sick. His hair had thinned out and was falling out by the clumps. His skin was paler and his face had sunken in. The media had gotten wind of his cancer three weeks into chemo when someone recognized him at the hospital. Draco was pissed when the first magazine cover was 'Harry Potter. Three months to live.' Harry assured him that it was okay but Draco threw a Malfoy sized fit.

            "Draco." Harry whispered. He was standing on his own but he was supporting himself against the counter.

            "Harry, you need to get back in bed." Draco stood up from the couch and went to rush over but Harry held up his hand.

            "No." Harry shook his head. "I want to ask you something."
             "Okay?" Draco stopped moving and looked at his husband's small frame. He had been right in needing his glasses because he was wearing them almost all the time.

            "Can we invite Katie and Dudley here?" He asked gently. He wanted them to come two months prior but with all the media excitement, they couldn't. He was in the period of not having chemo so visitors were allowed.

            "I don't think you're well enough for guests. It's hard enough with both of our parents here, I don't think the stimulation is good for you."

            "Just for one day." Harry insisted. "Please?" Draco looked at Harry and nodded.

            "Yes fine." He walked back over to Harry. He supported his husband and brought him over to the couch. He wrapped him in a blanket after having him lie down. "I'll call them."

            "Thank you." Harry told him quietly. Draco kissed his forehead and then walked out of the room. He walked into the kitchen and called Katie first.

            "Hello?" Katie answered.

            "Hey there Katie cat, how's it going?" Draco asked.

            "Hello there Draco, everything is fine over here. What has you calling? Is Harry okay?"
             "He's as okay as can be expected." He explained sadly. "He wants to see you. And possibly Greg."
             "And the kids?"

            "I'm not sure if subjecting them to him is a good idea. They're fairly young."

            "Okay." Katie agreed. "We can come by tomorrow."

            "Thank you, it'll mean a lot to him." Draco told her.

            "It's our pleasure, see you tomorrow."

            "Okay, love you."

            "Love you too." The pair hung up and Draco called Dudley.

            "Is everything okay?" He rushed out. Draco smiled at the urgency in Dudley's voice.

            "Yes. Harry has requested to see you. Tia can come too." Draco told him. Dudley's daughter was already 19 years of age.

            "Okay, we can be there. When do you want us there?"

            "Tomorrow would be best. Katie will here as well."

            "Okay. We'll be there. Thank you."

            "No thank you. See you tomorrow." The pair hung up and Draco made his way back to Harry. He was sleeping peacefully but just in case Draco checked his pulse, it was present and healthy. Harry moved closer to Draco in his sleep and Draco collapsed next to Harry on the floor. He stroked Harry's locks gently burying his face into the couch. He had gotten many calls and requests to do interviews so the media could be updated on his health. He refused of course because it didn't matter if the media knew, all that matters was his family knowing. He didn't realize how long he was there petting Harry until a slammed door caused him to jump.  Lily walked in, tears drenching her face.

This Heavenly Hell (boyxboy) (drarry) (Book 3 of Roomates)Where stories live. Discover now