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Four Weeks Later

Harry was visibly getting better. His color was coiming back and his appetite was growing stronger. His nails were becoming less brittle and his hair was growing back in, it was a sure sign he was in remission. He had a few blood transfusions and his new kidney was working well...he was doing better.

"How are you feeling?" Draco asked Harry as he lied in the hospital bed. They were prepping Harry for a PET scan and then he would be discharged to go home.

"I'm great actually." Harry told his husband.

"You look great." Draco told him and Harry blushed but nodded his head.

"I can't wait to go back home. I miss Jagger." Harry told Draco who chuckled a bit.

"He misses you too. Sits by the our bedroom door and cries all the time. I think he thinks you're dead." Draco joked but then his face dropped. Harry, upon seeing this, caressed Draco's face.

"By I'm not and I'll be able to go home soon. How's Scorpius?" Scorpius was in the hospital for only a few days then he was discharged. Given he'd visit, Harry hadnt seen him that day.

"He's wonderful. Ever since he's given you that kidney, his phone hasn't stopped buzzing with tweets, messages, um other things..." Draco smirked.

"Well he deserves it." Harry smiled. "What kind of car are you gonna choose for him?" Draco rolled his eyes.

"I think a safe car. Hmm you can come with me to choose it."

"I like that idea." Harry smiled and then there was a knock at the door. They both look and Dr. Holland smiled.

"Ready for the scan Harry?" She asked and he nodded. "Great." She said. She had orderly's come in the room and start to wheel him out. Draco kissed Harry's lips and promised to be waiting for him. Harry was wheeled into the room and placed on the machine's table. "Just relax." She told Harry. She walked out and then started the machine. The table moved through the tube slowly and then out slowly. He was able to get out and into the wheelchair himself. They wheeled him back to the room where Draco was waiting.

"Hi baby." Draco greeted and kissed Harry's lips. He helped him get back in bed and they were told to wait for the results. They did and when the Doctor came back, they were anxious.

"So how are you feeling Harry?" Dr. Holland asked.

"Great actually." He replied and she nodded.

"Harry." She started. "Looking at your PET scan, it's not how a cancer patient would look." She told them and Draco gave her a perplexed look. He gripped Harry's hand tightly.

"What does that mean?" He asked.

"It means, Harry you are offically in remission." She told him with a smile and he let out a surprised chuckle.


"Yes, congratulations. You'll be discharged in about an hour." She told him. She left the room and Harry looked to Draco. His eyes were filling with tears and he swallowed hard.

"I-is this real?" He asked and reached out to touch Harry's face. "I-I'm not dreaming right?"

"No, it's happening." Harry chuckled tearfully. "Oh my god. We need to tell everyone." Harry gasped. Draco nodded and pulled out his phone. He called Sirius knowing he'd round everyone up.

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