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Draco's dream is in his P.O.V

"Mister Potter?" The doctor questioned. Draco stood up and walked with her outside of the room.

"Yes?" He asked. He was dreading hearing Harry hadn't made it through the surgery.

"The surgery went perfectly. Harry is in recovery just down the hall. You can go see him." She told him and Draco's heart sped up.

"Seriously?" Draco asked and the doctor smiled.

"Yes, go ahead." She motioned for Draco to go down the hall. He made his way to the door and looked for Harry's room. He found it at the end of the hall and he peered in. Harry was resting against pillows with the blanket brought up to his chest. He had an IV in his arm that Draco guess was some kind of pain meds that Scropius would be administered soon.

"Kitten?" Draco whispered walking in. Harry slowly moved to face Draco.

"Puppy." He mumbled and Draco smiled. He walked over to Harry and sat down. He figured Harry was out of surgery longer because he didn't seem as giggly as Scorpius.

"How are you feeling?" Draco asked sitting down next to husband.

"Sleepy." He told him and smiled. Draco leaned in and kissed Harry gently.

"Sleep love, it was a long process. I'll have Lily come see you soon." He told Harry who hummed. Draco gently carassed his face and then kissed his nose.

"I love you." Harry told Draco.

"I love you more." Draco answered. "Get some sleep, I'll tell everyone you're out." He told Harry who nodded. Draco stood up and left his room. He walked passed Scorpius' and told the kids that their pa was awake. They were incredibly happy that he was... well alive. Draco walked into the waiting room where both sets of parents were.

"Harry's out of surgery and it was a success." He told everyone and they cheered.

"Oh I want to see him." Sirius told Draco.

"Go ahead. I told him to sleep but you know Harry." Draco rolled his eyes and Sirius smirked.

"Come on Sevy, let's go." Sirius gripped Severus' hand and then brought him out of the room.

"Did you tell them?" Luicus asked.

"Yes." He sighed taking a seat. "They were shocked and I think it upset them a little."

"How much did you tell them exactly?" Narcissa asked.

"All of it. From when we met until now." He told them. "The beatings, the rape, the shooting and the stabbing. And everything in between."

"What about me?" Lucius asked and Draco sighed.

"Yes I told them you were not the nicest to Harry when you first met but obviously they can see that's changed now." He told Lucius who thinned his lips out together.

"Well at least they understand." Narcissa told her husband. She kissed his cheek and he wrapped an arm around her waist.

"Apparently so. Draco, I am proud that you told them, it was a matter of time." Lucius took a seat next to his son.

"Thank you father." Draco said. "I'm gonna go talk to the doctor, excuse me." He stood up and walked out of the private room. He saw Dr. Holland walking out of Scorpius' room and he walked over to her.

This Heavenly Hell (boyxboy) (drarry) (Book 3 of Roomates)Место, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя