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This chapter is  a bit confusing. The italics is all of Harry's dream of how life could have been. There are breaks that indicate different scenes. Follow to the best of your ability.

Draco got Harry settled in bed after bringing him home. Harry was dressed in only a pair of sweatpants with a blanket wrapped around him.

"And then at the diner, they were telling me about their lives. Did you know that Scorpius wants to become an engineer? And Lily told me she wanted to be a teacher." Draco was blabbing on about the kids. Harry was really happy that Draco was finally breaking through with the kids. "Harry?"

"Yes Draco?" Harry hummed. He was very exhausted from the movement of getting home and he just wanted to sleep. And Draco's warm embrace wasn't helping.

"Do you really think of yourself as a single parent sometimes?" He asked and Harry sleepily blinked at him.

"Yes." Harry told him. "But it's okay. It doesn't matter."

"But it does."

"No it doesn't." Harry weakly pulled Draco closer and then blonde responded by stroking his newly shaven head. Harry like his hair being played with but Draco's fingers felt wonderful on his scalp.

"What else haven't you told me?" Draco asked and Harry hummed again.

"I've always wanted another baby. More than two kids." Draco's hand stilled at Harry's revelation.

"But why didn't you say anything?"

"Cause I didn't want to take away from Lily and Scorp." Harry told him. "But I'm happy the way our little family is." Harry told Draco. He kissed his gently. "Can I ask you something now?"


"Do you ever think about how our lives would be if we weren't roommates?"

"No." Draco frowned.

"I do." Harry admitted and then let the fog of sleep take over him.

Harry Potter made his way to his room. 394 Gryffindor hall. He walked in and was glad to see the red headed boy was already there. He was on his bed and when he heard someone come in, he looked.

"Oh hey cool, you're here. Hope you don't mind I chose the bed closest to the door."

"No I don't." Harry told him softly. He walked over and placed his stuff on his bed.

"So cool, I left a few draws open for you." The redheaded said. "I'm Ron by the way. Ron Weasley."

"Harry Potter." Harry tipped his head. He was grateful the boy hadn't tried to shake his hand. He was very jumpy and didn't want to explain why.

"Ah you're the scholarship boy? Wrestling huh?"

"Yeah." Harry smiled. "What about you?"

"I'm on a soccer scholarship. There's a mixer for scholarship people, wanna go?" Ron asked and Harry halted.

"Wait there's something I should tell you." Harry told him.

"What is it?"

"I'm gay." Harry blushed and Ron shrugged.

"Oh alright. If you're gonna shag here just put a sock on the door." He told him and Harry laughed.

This Heavenly Hell (boyxboy) (drarry) (Book 3 of Roomates)Where stories live. Discover now