Asking you out

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Derek: after meeting Derek in the woods and him walking you home, you were thinking about Derek the whole time. You had met Derek now and then at departmental stores and while running and even outside your school. Whenever you met him he would talk to you for a while and promise to meet you soon. Just like any other day, you were leaving school to go home but when you came outside the school you saw your car door open. You ran to see if anything was stolen but instead you saw a note saying "hey (y/n), it's just that I wanted to ask you out but didn't have the guts to ask it straight away. If yes then look to your right and smile and if no then just drive away, I won't bother you" after reading the paper you thought you can play some prank over him so you folded the paper and kept it in your backpack and sat inside the car and started the engine. You turned your car and hit a black camero standing right behind your car and saw Derek looking at you from inside the car you just gave him a smirk and said "if you're okay with me breaking your car,then yes!" For the first time you saw Derek smile like an idiot scratching the back of his head,because everyone knew he loved his car more than himself. You smiled at him and drove away waiting for the weekend to go on a date with Derek hale.

Scott: after the last week incident of you and Scott started talking to each other when you learned that he and Allison were not together anymore. You said you were sorry but you were the most happy person alive. One day during lunch you went to sit with Scott and stiles when you overheard someone talking about you, you tried to ignore but you saw that it was Allison saying filthy stuff about you to Lydia. You noticed Scott and stiles walk In With their food tray smiling at you,when Scott turned towards Allison making your heart break in billion pieces. You and stiles were sitting and talking when you heard Allison yell at Scott you turned around to see that she and Scott were having a fight. You and stiles went over to calm both of them as stiles pulled Scott away and you tried calming Allison down when she pushed you "bitch! You are trying to steal my boyfriend,I'll kill you!" She said pulling my hair. When Lydia came in and yelled at Allison pushing her away from me just when Scott stepped in and yelled at Allison his eyes glowing with anger "I'm not your boyfriend Allison., you touch her and I'll kill you myself" Scott yelled at Allison making her cry as she ran away. Scott helped you up and said "I'm sorry (y/n), she's an idiot." "It's okay scott" I said grabbing my backpack to go home when Scott pulled me towards him and started stuttering " (y/n) ..will ..I mean can you..erm.." I just kept looking at him to tell me what was going on when stiles bursted in "oh god Scott! Ask her already! (Y/n) he wants to take you out for dinner." Stiles said making me laugh as I looked over at Scott who was literally so angry with stiles . " it'll be my pleasure,Scott" you said smiling and giving him a hug and leaving to go home.

Stiles: you were out with your friends in a concert of One loved the band. You saw stiles and Scott making faces as they were bored cause they have been standing for hours now. "Come on stiles.. Stop making faces" you yelled over the music. After some time of fun the band started to sing Little Things when you felt some pull you close to them and saw it was stiles you looked at stiles with confused look. " it's a great song" he said in your ears making you smile in his chest. " I wanted to take you out,if it's okay with you?" He said looking in your eyes as you nodded simply making him smile when the band pointed at you two saying " see a lovely couple not bothering to hear us" said Louis Tomlinson making you and stiles laugh at them.

Issac: you and Isaac became friends pretty soon as you were in the same pack but your brother Derek opposed your friendship when he knew you started crushing on Isaac. It was a normal training day but you weren't in the mood to train as Erica said things about you which let you down. She said that you were no good wolf and should probably leave the pack. You were sitting in your room when your sister Cora came in to check up on you. "Are you alright?" Cora asked sitting down on your bed. You nodded and stood up to change your dress to go train. " is it about what Erica said?" She asked placing her hand in my shoulder. I started tearing up, tears streaming down my eyes "yes." Cora consoled you for a couple of minutes when Derek called you both to practice, you went down and saw issac walking towards you. You smiled at him. "Were you crying?" He asked looking in your eyes. " yeah" you just couldn't lie to him. "Because I didn't ask you out for a date?" He said smirking as your eyes shot up to look at his. When you started giggling " you were gonna?" You asked smiling when he smiled at you making your heart race. " I can hear your heartbeat" he said walking away winking at you as Derek was standing across the room rolling his eyes at you.

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