Stiles imagine for Ryane

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(Hey ryane if you are reading this, I've got to say, you have the best sister. My sister would never do any such thing like this, like request imagines for me. Hope you guys like it.)

"You look lovely!" you heard your mother commenting on your sister Michela who was standing there, in front of a mirror looking absolutely gorgeous in her wedding gown. "All the credit goes to Ryane. She helped me get dressed" Michela told your mum as you stood there, tears in your eyes,  looking at your sister getting ready for her wedding. "It's time!" one of the bridesmaid told you as you quickly went outfront, you were the maid of honour. she was getting married to the love of her life, and you secretly wished you met yours too. Everyone stood up as Michela walked into the room, looking like an angel in white, dressed perfectly and beautifully. After the ceremonies,  you saw a guy approaching you, who looked very handsome and was wearing a perfectly fit tux. "Will you dance with me, miss?" "Ryane, my name is ryane and yes I would love to dance." you took his hand as he led you towards the dance floor.You were dancing quietly as he suddenly spoke, "you are a really great dancer." you smiled at his compliment and just nodded lightly enjoying the music but not more than his company. "Are you single?" he questioned as your eyes darted up to meet his. "No, im very much single." "That's great, because I was planning on asking you out since the moment I saw you walking down the aisle as your sister's maid of honour. " you laughed at his cheekiness. "I'd love to, bug what's your name?" "It's Stiles." "cool name." I said to him as he promised to meet me soon fora date and I was also hoping that my wish of meeting my Mr . right will be over soon.

Sorry if it sucks :(

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