You guys break up

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Derek: "I have had enough!" you screamed as this was the third time that week when Derek ditched you and went out to meet a friend. "Why are you yelling?" Derek asked rolling his eyes, "Why am I yelling? well let's see, today was our date and today is the third time in a row that you have cancelled our plans to meet a friend of yours. I don't know who this friend is but I really hope that you are truthful to me."you screamed again as tears streamed down your face. you very well knew who the friend was. you hated that lady, she needed to stay away from your fiancé. "You wanna know who this friend is? It's Jennifer Blake and trust me (y/n) she is way more understanding than you." he said as you had the sudden urge to hug him and tell him you don't wanna fight but he was supporting her. "Why don't you marry her instead?" "Really (y/n)? The same fight again? We just met for a few drinks and we were talking, that's all. I don't know how I'm going to be with you for the rest of my life if you keep doubting me" he said as your heart broke into pieces which could never be fixed. "Well Derek, I would like to save you a lifetime of disappointment. We are over. Hope you are happy with your 'drinking friend'. Goodbye" you said crying as you removed your engagement ring and placed it on the table walking out of the loft and his life, forever.

Scott: You and Scott were not very much into the relationship at the moment.You guys fought all the time.Sometimes it was also over silly things which happened in school but today you couldn't take it anymore. He yelled at you in front of the whole school on the lacrosse field. You were crying as you heard a knock on your window glass. Isaac was your best friend and was the one who always stood by your side, no matter what. "Hey (y/n), are you alright?" he asked as he pulled you into a hug. He was like a brother to you. "You saw what happened. I can't take it anymore. Scott yelled at me just because I asked him for his car keys and his mobile so that I can call my mum but he thought I was spying on him."You said as you started crying into Isaac's chest. Isaac was about to say something when you saw an angry Scott by your window, growling at you and Isaac. "Scott this is not what you think" you cautiously stepped in his way "You think I didn't know about you two?" he spat. "He is my brother." now you were getting angry. This is it, you couldn't take it anymore. "Scott, what the fuck is your problem? I'm tired of us fighting all the time. if you don't like me anymore just let me know, I hate being a burden on you." you said getting angrier by the minute but secretly hopin he doesn't end your relationship.  "I don't wanna go out with you anymore.Stay away from me" he said and went away as you fell on your bed crying to yourself and not accepting he had actually broken up with you.

Stiles: You were at the Stilinski residence, making out with Stiles on his couch. You were busy kissing each other as this was the first time in weeks you both met.He was off to take care of some werewolf business. During your steamy make out session his mobile started to ring. You knew who it was.Malia Tate. She was asking for help from Stiles and was always trying to be all over him, all the time. You knew you had no reason to be jealous but he always ditched you and went to meet her. "Stiles we are I  middle of something, you can text her later." you said calmly not wanting to start fight. "Hmm" that is it? Hmm was his reply. You snatched his mobile from his hand as he panicked. You read the text as your heart broke and you started feeling dizzy. Tonight you were going to tell you loved him for the first time but after reading the text you felt like kicking him, hard. "I wish you were mine too. I like you and I'd love to go out with you" you read the text out loud as tears started forming in your eyes. "Are you going out with her?" you asked losing your control and started crying. "Actually I asked her-" you cut him in the middle and didn't let him finish his sentence. "You know what! Go and date her and don't even try to talk to me or see me. We are finished" you said storming out of his house and leaving his life forever and ever.

Isaac: Isaac was someone you could always rely on. He was always there for you. You both were in love but he was behaving distant lately and always talked about what would happen if you guys were not together. "Why do you always ask the same question?" you asked tired of hearing the same question everyday in every conversation.  "It's just a question" he defended himself.  "No Isaac, it doesn't seem so. Every day,  every conversation. Its always about this. Do you want to break up?" you asked as you sat down on your bed. "Maybe" Maybe? he wanted to be separated,  he has started hating me. "Then let's break up!" you screamed at the top of your voice. "It's not what I meant. Please love" he said sweetly "I'm just confused about ourself" he said now you were sure he was trying to break up with you. "beacuse you like Allison." you said your voice really low. "Yes I do" "We're finished Isaac.  I hope you are happy with Allison. Get out of my house."you said. You broke up with him. He started liking Allison.

(Sorry if this sucks.)

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