First date

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Derek: everyone around beacon hills knew that Derek wasn't really a romantic. Everyone thought he didn't have a single bone of romance in him but he was different. You could never imagine that Derek Hale will ask you out for date. When you guys had your first date, he didn't take you out somewhere to a fancy restaurant but instead took you to the woods. It was dusk,he took you to the middle of the woods where there was a stream and birds chirping and you could feel the fresh breeze and no one to bother you, just you and Derek all alone. He set up a small picnic , with food basket which had your favourite chocolate trifle in two had so much fun that you felt like you wanted to stay there with Derek , but it was past your curfew time. He dropped you home and promised another date soon.

Scott: He took you to his workplace as he couldn't skip his work so instead you went in to help him and have a fun time. You really loved animals and being at the vet's was fun. You and Scott helped all the injured ,sick animals. You sat there talking to each other, saying things sharing secrets you never told anyone. You ordered pizza and had a fun time. Scott dropped you home that night promising to take you somewhere nice the next time and have a wonderful time with you.

stiles: he took you to a fancy restaurant. A restaurant neither of you could afford but he wanted the best for you, so he spent all his pocket money and also borrowed some from Scott and looked to it that you have a good time. You had almost everything on the menu as you and stiles were starving after the long walk to the restaurant when his car broke down in the middle of nowhere. You had a wonderful time, you danced for a while to the music they played and he promised you to get a good service for his car and a perfect date the next time.

Issac: he took you to a fair. You guys had so much fun. He even won you a stuffed tiger and you guys ate anything you could find. You went on the rides. He was protective of you the whole time , holding your hand and never leaving it. You enjoyed a lot. You both went to the scary house, when once in a clown jumped in front of you making to jump on issac. All the time inside the scary house he had you in his arms, making sure you were safe. When he dropped you off at your house, he promised to take you to another date and letting you choose the place.

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