His secret

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Derek: you were walking through the woods just to clear your mind off the things happening lately at school, all the attacks taking place at school, all the people trying to harm you. You were walking when you reached the burned house in the middle of the woods which belonged to your two month long boyfriend. This house was the only place you liked to clear your mind. You sat there for an hour just letting all the stress go. You felt someone behind you, you knew it was Derek. You turned around to see it was someone else. Some guy, wearing black blazers and a black sunglass smiling at you, at first you panicked but when he told you he was blind you were relieved. You saw a lady walking behind him who was in the serious need of pedicure. You saw the lady with claws, fangs and deep red eyes. "Kill her!" Said the blind guy making the lady pounce on me as I ducked and started running and was currently in between the woods. I didn't look back and ran till I got lost. I heard someone walking my way, it was the lady and the blind guy . This time not just two people but four, out of two which were the twins , Aiden and Ethan. You were surrounded by the four, with no chance of running, as they took a step forward you heard some growling behind you back, you turned around to see your boyfriend Derek with Issac and Scott, having red eyes, claws and fangs and growling at the four people. They started and scratching each other when finally the four left as issac and Scott went after them to have a double check whether they really were gone or not. You saw Derek looking at you and making his way towards you, as you took a step behind. " don't worry, I'm not gonna hurt you" he said becoming his human self. I took the courage to step forward as my thumb caressed his cheek. "Why didn't you tell me?" You asked still shivering. "I'm sorry, I was about to." He said as he placed a reassuring kiss on your lips letting you know that he is there with you and would never allow anyone to hurt you.

Scott: things with Scott have been very disturbing lately. He always tells you he smells and hears things. You planned on confronting him about what was happening. You saw him in the school hallway talking to Issac, as you went over to them you smiled at issac as he said bye and went away and giving Scott a look. " what is happening?" You asked crossing your arms around your chest."I need to tell you something" he said looking straight into my eyes. "What is it Scott?" "I- I'm a..I'm a ." He said stuttering as if he was afraid of something. "I'm a werewolf" he said looking down at the tiles of the hallway "so is issac, Derek and Cora" he finished his sentence making me afraid of him. "What?!" You yelled at him attracting everyone's attention towards you. " Scott,for real?" You asked placing your hands on his cheek.he just nodded still looking at the ground. You made him look at you as you smiled at him and gave him a passionate kiss ,assuring him you will not break up with him.

Stiles: "stiles! Shut up. Stop lying to me, I know you were busy with something other than your math homework" you yelled at your boyfriend who had ditched your date once again for some work. " I promise, I was doing math homework" he said sitting on your bed looking at you at you were pacing back and forth in anger. "You know what, I'm just done with this shit. Next time even if you tell me to come, I won't cause I'm tired of being stood up, I waited for an hour stiles and you didn't even have the courtesy to call and inform me?" You said looking at him stopping in your way and demanding an answer from him." Stiles tell me the truth because I know you weren't studying.stop lying to me" he stood up from the bed and made his way towards you. "Okay the truth is I was with Scott at Derek's place discussing stuff" "what stuff?" You said going closer to him and placing your hand on his. " werewolf stuff" he muttered. He pretty much whispered to himself but enough noise for you to hear. " seriously stiles! This is what you came up with? Werewolves? There is a limit. Stop lying to me" you yelled on the top of your voice as stiles stood there trying to explain but you weren't ready to listen to him. "Leave!" You scolded him "what?" He asked surprised." "I said leave.you're sleeping on the couch. Don't try to enter in here." You yelled at him throwing a pillow towards him.you slam shut the door and sat in your bed thinking of what he just said.WEREWOLVES.

Issac: you entered into the house seeing issac sitting on your couch,terrified. You put your grocery bags down and rushed over to him. As you went near him you saw it wasn't your issac. It was a abnormal thing with yellow glowing eyes, claws and fangs. You slowly backed away trying to run but that thing grabbed your hand. "Please don't hurt me" you said crying. You felt someone put their arms around you. You opened your eyes to see your boyfriend issac standing their with his face sweating.you placed your hands on his cheek "issac babe, what just happened? Your eyes? Your teeth! Your nails!" You said still shivering in his arms. "I'm a werewolf (y/n). I have been since my dad died. Derek turned me. He is the Alpha." He said as he moved back letting you get a clear look at his face. " you won't hurt me,right?" You asked with tears in your eyes. "Never in a million years" he said as he cupped your face with both his hands and gave you a passionate kiss."werewolf huh?" You said as he chuckled and nodded his head at you placing a kiss on your cheek.

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