Life: The Case of the Missing Glasses

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Somewhere during the beginning of the school year.

Okay so basically last year I was really fucked up when it came to being neat... So anywho~ I used to have these really cute black and pink glasses that I would wear only sometimes. When I did wear them, I would always leave them places.

Idk when or where it happened, but I somehow lost my glasses and my mom was like "Where the f*ck r ur glasses" jk she wouldn't. She was like "you lost your glasses?! *deadly glare* disowned" haha, now that would be something I wouldn't look forward to, jk that never happened. "You better find them" was all she said.

I never found them.

A few days ago I went to the doctor for my school shots and the doctor was all like "read this.... Mmm, okay, now read this...... *eye twitches* okay read this" and apparently my eyesight is "fucking horrible" so today I get now glasses!


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