All the Drafts pt.7

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Draft 7: (I don't remember the name and I'm to lazy to look it up sooo....)

"Remember this: We're just friends."

I've said it so much. Why don't they listen?


Ever since middle school, Jace and I could be seen anywhere together. We're at ease around each other, my heart feels calm and I don't feel any pressure from the world. With Jace and my family, my world would be complete, right?


It's only because we're always together that these stupid rumors about us get around. They say things like "I heard They're dating"; "I heard that they kissed on the roof". You'd think they'd die down after awhile, but nope, those rumors are still going strong.

Based: Uwasa no Futari// MEGU Iroha// 2014

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