How do I Know You're Gay?

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Okay, so basically I have a good friend of which we share similarities (he's a guy). Today in anime we were talking about what we should watch as a club in general and he and I were discussing yaoi animes. It came up because Free! was on the flier and he said "I watched free, you know I stopped watching it because it got boring but I did see the scene where Haruka and Makoto ALMOST kissed." Or something like that.

I had already suspected that he was gay, but I had never asked him before. He also knew what "Yaoi" was and idk y but I found that surprising. So anyway, I was telling him about my epic fail when I went to B.A.M and how I accidentally got the 9th volume instead of the 1st and he said "what was it called???" and I was like "idk some yaoi series" and he gasped and was like "omg, you're such a fangirl, I bet your nose was just a waterfall of blood." And I said yeah.

He even told me that he watched "Junjou Romantica" if that's even how you spell it, and I was NOT surprised at all. He said he enjoyed watching it, and that, for me, was a green light.

So later that day, he and I were walking to out next class and as usual, joking around. He was trying to catch up to me by jogging because "I walk to fast" and as he was jogging, some random kid asked "Hey Aden, are you gay?" Loud enough for me to hear. I was so sure he was gonna say yeah but then he says "Lol no" and when he caught up to me he says "that was a weird question" but as he was saying this, I'm just like "WTF?!? HE HAS TO BE GAY!!!" In my mind.

So I just casually joked it off by saying "ya know, when I was in sixth grade, I got asked five times if I was lesbian, and once was on my very first day" as my head signaled the alarm.

What straight guy do you know who watches yaoi?? Who knows what yaoi even is without you explaining?!?!?

Questions for the following:


How can you tell if your friend is gay?

How do you get them to confess that they're gay?

How can you tell if you're gay?

What is life?

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