Special 100!

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So this is Chapter/part 100! I've decided not to stop writing! Lololol so I'm going to do A LOT of things new in this book. I'll actually be updating a few one shots here and there (fluff, smut, action, depressing) I'll be doing a lot more.

Lol but I want somebody to ask me questions! Idk why but QnA just seems like something I would do!

But anyway, a special thanks to the following:


You are literally the best friend I could ask for. Thanks for always being there, lol love ya!


Omg I love I feel like we connect lol, like we know each other, if ya know what mean...


(。・ω・。) I'm all over your fanfics, I really enjoy reading your one shots and I hope to get to know you better!


You are always voting on my stories and I never really took the time to thank you or anything! But regardless of what I didn't do, I want you to know that I really appreciate you reading my (annoying and unnecessary) rants and ideas lol


Omg (don't take this the weird way) I will call you twin. You will be my twin. We are twins. Enough said.


*smiles* I actually smile just by looking at your profile pic, no but on a serious note, love ya


I wasn't going to just NOT thank you. I mean you are literally my inspiration (autocorrect said inspection lol) and I love ur works, I know ur leaving the fandom, and you may not even see this, but I love your writing


Greatest person of 2016 *drops the mic*


If you see this, love you!


Okay so I know you probs won't see this, but if you do, all I have to say to you is: ..... *was gonna say update* love ya!

Lol corniest shit in history, but I do love you all! This is not one of hose times where I'm joking, I really appreciate all of you in your own individual ways!

Best, Violet.

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