What'd You do At 12:00?

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As we all know, its a new year 2017.

I don't care about what you're going to do in the future of 2017 hon, I live no where except the present. I wanna know what you did at 12:00!

I was in Panama City watching the Ball drop, of course most would enjoy it and love to go, but me, being a person who's damn near claustrophobic, in an environment where its crowded, WAAAAYYY to loud, and people are ALWAYS touching you?! Yeah no I didn't enjoy it.

I felt like throwing up from all the people who touched me, I swear I actually cried a little, but hey, the food was good

Y'all see this mountain of Seafood Nachos?! I tried to eat this last night, of course I failed and didn't get near 1/8 of it done

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Y'all see this mountain of Seafood Nachos?! I tried to eat this last night, of course I failed and didn't get near 1/8 of it done. I was stuck in the actual parking lot till 1:46 I believe. During that time I was able to eat about a third of the nachos.... Unless I am blind and I didn't eat that much and just thought I did.

Either way, it was a hell of some sort, I wouldn't do it again but that's just me being a me.

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