Life: Brother the Bitch

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I have two big brothers. One is just a year older than me and the other is three years older. Anyway, I'm  taking about the one who is only just a year older.

We'll call him.... 'Sucks Balls' yeah, that sounds about right.
So basically last Saturday, my brother and mom were batching about how I should do a whole bunch of stuff like clean my room, get "better" deodorant even though the one I use is perfectly fine (they r obsessed with the best of everything), how I need to shave under my arms more... yadda yadda

So Sucks Balls was all like "Yeah u do need to shave cause your armpits are harrier than mine!" And just so you all know, my brother doesn't have hardly any hair in his arm pits.

So after they stopped talking, I mouth "bitch" and I DIDN'T say it. Sucks Balls says "What was that?? Did you just curse Violet? Did you just say THE BEST WORD?????" and he made sure mom could hear him even though she was sitting right next to him in the car.

Idk why he was turned around anyway, I was in the fucking back seat.

And so mom ended up taking my phone away for the first fucking week of school.

So yeah

Now you all know why we have favorites in my family

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