Crack Kids

14 3 0

OMG lmao

My mom, my brothers, and I were driving to my grandmas house and we were pulling in the driveway when we randomly heard mom say

"Look at my little nieces and nephews" and I looked out the car window and saw them running towards our car like their lives depended on it. OMG

So we slowed down (only half way up the driveway; its long) and watched them and my brother was like "crack kids in the making" I was so dead

They actually came up to our car and started banging on the doors, mom unlocked the doors and my brother was just out

Oml they climbed into our car and then I saw my brothers running away from it into the house (try e younger one yelled "crack kids" while running)

So I was dying in my seat as mom pulled the rest of the way up in the driveway and my brother came up to the car like
"So y'all ambushed us to get a 10yard drive? Nah das on some crack kid bull shit" I swear mom, big bro, and I were dying at his reaction


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