Chapter 2

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(Wrote: 8/15/2016, Words:1879

(I have to do this fu*king thing avian, UGH.......................... I do not own Hunter X Hunter, please support the official release )

(This is where the real story starts)

(Normal Pov)

I jump to building to building, just having a nice midnight stroll, you know the usually, i grab my mask that  covers my face besides one of my eyes, and has a hole in the back to put my hair through and put it in a ponytail, or let it hang loose (If you have really really short hair, you can change it where it doesn't have a hole in the back sorry)

I Look at the world that i used to adore, i sit down in this fitting F/C body suit (Down Below ) (Best Picture i could find *Laughs im sorry, i love her eyes, but your eyes are  prettier  *Wink Wink, Nudge Nudge*) ( Thats your body suit for this chapter or outfit, it gets explained  later)

    I jumped off the Building and walked home, I jumped into the window that leads into my room, "Y/N, you there sweetheart" One of my moms said "Yeah im getting my PJ on give me a second" I yelled back down  "Ok sweetheart" she said, I took off t...

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    I jumped off the Building and walked home, I jumped into the window that leads into my room, "Y/N, you there sweetheart" One of my moms said "Yeah im getting my PJ on give me a second" I yelled back down  "Ok sweetheart" she said, I took off the Suit and Mask and Hung them up Nicely in my closet. "Yeah mom" I said as i opened my door and jumped down the stairs "What do you wanna do now that your out of School, do you maybe wanna go to collage or fulfill a dream," My Mom said as she sat on the Couch "ummm i dont know maybe take the hunter exam" I said as i plopped down on the Couch and put my head on my moms lap "That sound Wonderful" She said as she ran her hands threw my hair, it felt really really nice "And i dont care weather you fail or not, your mother and I will love you all the same" She said as she patted my head "Thanks mom" I said as i laid my head back on her lap "You know you used to be a little baby and i could just fit you right in on my lap and you would lay you head on my stomach and i would pat your back" She said as she laughed "MOM" I giggled as i got up "night mom, Love you" I said as i grabbed my phone from the couch and walked up stairs.

I poked my head in the office "night mummy" I said as i gave her a heart with my hands "Night Pumpkin" She said as she stopped what she was doing and looked over at me and smiled.

(Time Skip because one im Lazy, and Two i really dont feel like writing a mouth worth, until the HXH Exams)

I grabbed a small jacket and put my Jumpsuit on and grabbed my mask and put it in my jacket pocket "My Mom, and Mummy" I say as i ran out the house running down the hill.

(You know why not just add another time skip, Btw it is 2:15 AM , 8/15/2016, and i am still up JUST FOR U GUYS)

Its Scary here, I see all the nice people Hundreds im not much of a people person, i usually lose my friends or i kill them, besides Ira, she likes. I fidgeted with my badge 400, until a tall man came up to me, i recognized the shoes anywhere, "Hi Hisoka" I say but he cant hear my which makes him pull my chin up "what was that my Unripe fruit" he said with the creepy smile "hi Hisoka" I say as i forward my eyes to the ground and not him, but he still cant hear me "What was that again" He said still with a that creepy smile that you knows i hate, I pass out for like a second or two and he catches me  until i kinda get get up really hyper and quickly "Hi Hisoka" I say with a Evil, and Insane Smile and am laughing, and said Loud enough where everyone heads turn, i have those creepy Evil, Insane Eyes (You Kinda look like Maka from soul Eater or, Toko Fukawa, when shes goes insane shes form danganronpa) "There's the Y/N i know and love" He says, I quickly snap out of my state and go back to being shy, Hisoka you annoyed me you know how i get" I say as i fiddle with my fingers, i walk over to a wall and slowly sit down "come on you cant be sad in that outfit" He points to the jump suit "this is what i usually wear" I say as i said bad i this point "If you going to be mad change" He says as he grabs my hand and flips it over to my palm said "Are you looking for the Soul Gem" I said as i sighed "Yeah where is it" he says confused. 

I met a witch one day, while i was really crazy, i was killing someone who made fun of me and Ira, and she offers me a power I took it, and now i have hundreds of armors and outfits, and weapons and its randomly picked (Here's the Dumb:Its like Kites Weapon, the crazy spin weapon thing, yeah but its with everything, from hair, to clothes to weapons, to regular outfits, but someones what she gets isn't usefully, its picked randomly you might get Skinny jeans and Tank top, and you have to fight with that, you get a soul gem, and depending on the outfit the soul gem will move itself from either a part of your hand, Palm, or the Back of your hand, or a Key, or it will be on your bracelet, so you no super over powered, and you have to wait at least an hour to change, unless you take it annually off, and change it to a outfit you might have in your closet, and btw you can ware it out, if you use it too much a day, the outfit and weapons and armor will get worse. and you get a free choice every mouth of any outfit that's it  )  I took out the Key from my pocket "Is this what your looking for" I say "Yes Change" he says "WOAH WOAH WOAH, I can only use it once per hour, you know how it works" I say as i put the key back in my pocket but dropped it because i thought i put it in my pocket.

Ive been searching on the floor for 20 minutes, I see a (Pick from Gold, Silver, or Rose gold, or Black) Spark, i rush on all fours and pick it up. I get up and i knock into someones head.

"Oi, watch it" A old man says as he rubs his forehead "Hey you look a little shy, and Innocent for the hunter exam"the old man says and he pulls up his glasses, he gets elbowed in my side my a Blonde boy, I got really mad Stereotypes i hate those, Now i can control when i go insane, if i go insane not on purposes, i will pass out but snap out quickly. 

"ahhahahaanh OLD MAN, what do you know , a girl cant take the hunter x exams, i thought trash couldn't either i guess we found out something new" I say Insanely and  with red eyes, and i probably  look really crazy, and Evil "Um Excuses me" I here i look at  a boy with Dark brown eyes "ehhh, a boy" I say as i jump back they look at me weirdly "What Guys dont just talk to me, i usually kill them they make fun of me for my parents being gay" I say as i hold out my Key "Ok what is a key going to do" the blonde boy says "You have know idea" I sighed  "Oh your that girl at school whats her name Y/N sorry i didn't know it was you" he scratched his neck "umm do i know you" I ask "umm no" he says with a smile "hmm"

The First phase started, and i sat down next to a wall and closed my eyes, Gon asked why, i said i dont feel like running super long, but for some reason he said ok and ran.

I was siting here for three hours, i had my eyes closed and can hear and feel everything happening with everyone, "Hey that Y/N girls yeah shes crazy" i could sense Leorio say, my eyes shot open, I sprinted as fast as could to them, i saw a guys with white hair look at me i slapped Leorio "Never Call ME CRAZY again" i say as i laugh evilly, as i throw eight throwing knifes up, i then catches them with my fingers four on each hand  "dont mess with me, i will kill you and your family" I say as i put my throwing knifes away  "Who's the chick" the boy with white hair said "oh killua, this is Y/N" Gon said "Hi" I said Crazy "hiii" he said weired out "soo gon wanna race" Killua asked changing the subject "Sure, but can Y/N race too" gon asked "Sure but theres no point ill win" Killua said really cocky "one, two three GO" Gon yelled, I sprinted off, and continued to run, i didn't want to crush them too bad but, lets just say i won.

"hahhaha You Guys lose" i say as i fall on the ground laughing , I was still laughing  while a fight about who was the real examiner was going on, i Felt Hisoka's Presence, and it was ready to strike i got up and caught his cards "Hisoka youve already killed someone today let me have turn" I say as i throw all my throwing knifes at the fake examiner, "That feels better" I say as i walk over and take out all my throwing knifes out of him, it wasn't many it was like four.

(Time skip)

AFTER I WAS DONE RUNNING THREW A STUPID FOREST, i sat next to a tree and waited for everyone to come the fudge on 

(This was a a little Plot dump so it wan't supposed to be like Killuas kitty face good, 

anyway i love you guys for your support, the love connections might not start to chapter 8 because i dont want to crush things, im really tired and its  3:17am, i havent sleep for awhile i went to bed at 2:00am and woke up a 7:30 so im trying guys i really am

So like Always

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i wanted to make a SAO X Reader type book btw just having a heads up, i wanna make books, for all the animes ive ever watched so i feel like you guys have more things to connect to, and not me just writing about one anime, i wanna write about, AOT, Sao, GGO, HXH , Neptina, Fairytail, and alot more 

  I really really love you guys, and all the support, and the loss of sleep, and Im doing really good because of Wattpad so thank you guys i really appreciate it 

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