Chapter 12

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(When you forget your own story, so you have to re read it XD) (OK done) 

(your pov of corse) 

"YOU done now" I say as Ira leaves the Arena "Yup" she says with a smile, im guessing she won "Good job "Killua said giving Ira a high five  "yeah Ira good job,we all have improved so much" gon smiled making Ira blush "get over it" I said hitting ira in the head "owwy" she groans.

"i need some food, like right now" Ira groaned as we all laid on the couch groaning .

"Then make some food"Killa suggested "the only one here who can cook properly is me and y/n" ira said "then cook"Killua argued back "but i have no energy"  Ira groaned once more.

I feel onto the ground, and everyone looked at my with hunger in there eyes "Tamara" i said "Already on it" Tamara said in the kitchen I sighed with relief.


"Thanks so much TAMARA" Gon said "thanks for the meal" Killua and gon said, as they started to devour the food, me and ira looked at them getting food everywhere.

We got up and walked over to the couch and sat down  sighing and eating in peace.


I started to eat the food, and my eyes widened "Kill" i said "I though you were going sane, ive been wondering when you were going to have the urge to kill someone" Ira laughed "I know, but i really feel like kill someone" i said, as killua walked out the rom

(this is past when Gon and hisoka had their fight =) dont wanna keep you guys waiting too long) 

"You know ive been  thinking, i should go to therapist" i said as i put my hand on my forehead cause im going light headed "Theres, like a war going inside my head..... im broken" i said as my vision goes blurry "You wanna give some confessions, and get stuff off your chest" she says worried "yeah" i said as i get up and get up and grab the phone "Im going to call a therapist" i say.


"you sure you wanna go in" Ira says as we stand outside the therapist office, "Yeah, i need to calm my self down" I take a deep breath and open the door, leaving ira outside.

A women in a suit gets up and extends her hand "hi im dr.ann" she said "Im Yn, nice to meet you" i said shaking her hand and sitting down in the chair, "Now tell my everything, and everything thats bothering you" she says, I close my eyes and start.


"and thats all" i said as i take a deep breath "im sorry, but you can't be fixed, so," she said  as she grabbed a prescription bottle "just take this" she said handing it to me, I grab it and look at the bottle, my eyes go wide as i look at the bottle filled with pills.

"Im tired of trying to be normal" i yell "Im always over thinking" i yell once more and hold my head, trying not to loss myself "Im driving myself crazy" i said as large amount of aura surrounded me "So what if im fucking crazy" I said getting up with my head down "and i dont need your quick fix, i dont want your prescription" i said throwing the bottle twords the wall, breaking the cap and the pills falling out "miss" Dr.Ann said, she crouched down with her hands over her head, attempting to protect herself "Miss, im sorry but your crazy!" she yelled frighteningly "just cause you say im crazy, SO what if im fucking  crazy" i said grabbing her by the neck and her struggling, i grab the sythe, "Im gonna show you..." i said looking her in the cutting her head off and letting the blood spray out.

"hmm, Loco, maniac, sick bitch, psychopath" i said listing all the things people would call me, and yelling the out (You still have the same outfit from last chapter) "Im gonna show you mental, out my brain Bad shit, go insane" i said listing more, as Ira  barged in the room, i turned my head and looked at her, and ran twords the window, breaking it with the scythe,


ive been running from ira, and searching these city streets, trying to find, that one missing part of me.

I turn my head around and see Ira still runnin behind me, i look around and see a tall building, i grab my scythe, and climb my way up to the top, i look down and see Ira on the phone, i look up and look around the city, and i see Heaven's Arena.

Ive been searching hard, only to find that there not a single thing wrong with my mind im just driving my self crazy I'm tired of trying to be normal  I'm always over thinking I'm driving myself crazy So what if I'm fucking crazy.  i look in my my left hand and see a pill, my mind goes insane once i look at it, i look down at least 15 people i killed while running here, i hear a door open.

"Ira, Killua gon" i say confused as i stand of the edge of the roof "are you ok" Ira asked "NO, im not, IM TIRED OF TRYING TO BE NORMAL IRA, DONT YOU GET IT" i yell at her "of corse your not the only whos insane" she smiled, my eyes widened in sadness as tears filled my eyes "were both crazy" i said she runs over to me and hugs, me making my slip off the edge.

She holds my hand, i try to stab my sythe in the building to stop of from falling, I do but the "IRA scythes too sharp, and were to heavy" i yell, as we fall slowly but fast enough to kill us, i pull her up letting her grab onto the scythe "You know your my bestfriend and i protect you right" i said letting go, and the scythe stops moving putting Ira in some safety, i look around to see something i can grab onto, there, i grab a pole/bean that i accidentally pulled out when climbing up earlier, i look down at the fall, i see killua and gon down there, i break the window closets to my with my foot, and i swing back and forth, giving my self momentum.

I swing into the window, and landing on to ground getting glass stuck in my hand, i take the shards out and walk twords the stairs and run up them checking every floor to see which one Iras on, i get to floor 17 and i see her i see the window below her legs is broken so i grab her legs and pull her in "Are you ok" i say as i hug her only to be pulled away by killua and ira to be pulled away buy gon and Tamera "Killua a little tight" i said trying to catch my breath "Sorry" he says kissing my cheek.


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