First im sorry, second chapter 17

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"Mmmmmmm free food" I say as gon and killua talk and go back and forth with question with zepile, "y/n listen" Killua attempts to take my plate of food away, but i immediately growl, as his hand gets close "no....grrr" I say as i look at him and then back at my plate of food and start inhaling it into my mouth.

"Your going to get fat" Killua tsked at my, i look over at me, and then at myself and then back at him "I move to damn much to get fat, excuse me im a hunter... god rude" I scuff at killua, as zepile asks gon and killua a question, i think.

"So y/n.. right, your a hunter, and what are you after" Zepile asked, i looked up as i move hair out the way, as i put my hands on my knees "Yes im a hunter, and i dont know, adventure, closure, to prove something" I say as i blush, madly, "y/n-sama, are you ok your face is all red, do you need a doctor" Gon asks "what.. um no" i say as i immediately, get up and pull down my large sweater, and pull my leggings up, "Ill be right back" I bow as i run off.

I run out the door, and use my right shoulder to push open the door, as i run into the town square, as I run i trip on a out of place stone, but i lean on the wall, and sigh, i dont know why im so flustered, "Tamara" I huff out, as i breathe in and out, to try to regain myslef  "Yes miss" she says as she pops out, "Energy level" i ask "um, well running all the way over here, plus your heart is beating very fast, your face is red, and hot, so energy level is full" she explains "Wow" i say as i walk back to the restaurant and sit down at the water fountain right outside.

~~~~~~~~~~~~~                                                                                                                                                                How did we get into this mess, first were following machi and nobunaga, and now were in the phantom troupe's base, cave, home thing, but all of were thinking the same thing.

We payed close attention to Nobunaga and Machi, waiting for a reactions, then we got it, all three of us, jump to escape, killua got caught, but was struggling and putting up a good fight, while gon just got surround, and for me, i wasn't paying a attention, and almost got punched in the face by machi.

Machi kicked, grabbing my arms and putting them behind my back, and sitting on my hands and my back,  "gah, gah, i get it," I while hoping i would get out

Its about to get good, mawahaha 

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