My past (Joshua)

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Your POV
Few months ago my brother pushed me away when this car was speeding. I was the one who should have died not him. Me and my brother had a very close relationship we tell each other our troubles. I stayed with my grandmother because I had depression and I started causing trouble for everyone ever since I lost my brother. 6 months after I got sent to my grandmother I went back home to my parents. Today is my first day of school. "Y/N it's your first day of school please wake up now." My mother called for me. I sat up and went to prepare. After I was done I was about to go down when I heard my parents talking. "Do you think it is the right time for her to come back?" I could hear my mother voice shaky. "She is our daughter I think she would be ready. She won't hurt her own parents so don't worry. " my father hugged my mother to assure her. I went down and they both looked at me. I could see my mother is afraid of me through her eyes. "Y/N darling do you want to eat?" My mother asked me. I shook my head and got my bag, "I'm leaving first." I said coldly to them. "Okay be safe Y/N" my dad waved to me and I waved back. I am now on my way to school but I do not feel like attending the school my brother attended. I went to the hallway looking for the office when someone bumped into me. "Oh I'm sorry I didn't mean to bump into you, are you okay?" This guy said to me. I glared at him and walked away without answering him. "Hyung do you know her? She is so rude. " a guy said to the guy who bumped into me. I didn't care about it because I am used to it. I walked for 5 minutes and found the office, they gave me my schedules and my locker number . I walked to class with my teacher. "Okay class we have a new student.Y/N please introduce yourself to the class." My teacher told him. "Y/N, 16 this year." I looked at the class and said. They started clapping and some cheered. "Okay Y/N there is an open seat at the end by the window beside Joshua. Joshua please raise your hand" the teacher said to him. A guy raised his hand up and I started walking towards him and sat beside him. "Okay class take out your book turn to page 78." The teacher said to everyone. "Hello I am Joshua and I am the guy who bumped into you just now. Did you hurt yourself?" Joshua turn his head to face me. "Y/N and I don't like talking to people. " I gave him a smile before I turned my head away to look outside the window. The bell rang and the next teacher came in. "Today is free period so do some self study. I have a meeting so I have to go now. " my English teacher said. Everyone cheered and went to their friends. A group of girls walked towards me. "Hello I am Lisa nice to meet you." She gave me a smile. "You don't have to pretend infornt of the guy you like. " I gave a smirk and turned to Joshua. "Yah! I am talking very nice to you have some manners!" Everyone turned and looked at our direction when she said that. "What if I have no manners. Are you going to complain?" I asked her. "What a-" she got cut off by Joshua. "Lisa just go back to your seat and leave her alone." He pointed at her seat and she quietly went back to her seat. "Don't expect me to say thank you" I told him while putting my head down to face him. "Your welcome" he gave me a smile. He is cute when he smile. My heart skipped a beat, am I falling in love? "I'm cute right? That's why you can't stop looking at me" he laughed softly. "Self praise much? " I started laughing along with him. "Aw but it's true right? You should keep laughing you are even more beautiful when you laugh." He said to me. I didn't realise I was laughing so I immediately stood up and walk out of the class. "Y/N? Where are you going." Joshua followed me out of the class and held my wrist.He turned me around to face him. I felt tears on my cheeks so I ran away from him, I went to the rooftop. I miss my brother! I miss him so much. I couldn't stop crying. I stood at the rooftop railing and shouted. "Oppa! You are horrible leaving me alone here!" I felt someone's hand touching me. I turned to see Joshua behind me. He grabbed me and pulled me into a hug. "I don't know your story but you can cry it all out. I won't tell anyone or judge you." He told me as he hug me tighter. "Oppa how could you do this to me, you had a future but you threw it away when you saved me. How could you make me suffer like this." I was saying out everything I didn't care if Joshua is here. I just want my brother to know how much he is missed by me. We didn't say anything I just kept crying. Joshua broke the hug and touch my chin to make me face him because he is taller than me. He wiped off my tears and told me that everything will be okay. The bell rang and we had to go to back class so he quietly followed me leaving 5 steps away from me. "You should go to the toilet to wash your face" joshua suggested. I nodded and went to the toilet to wash my face. "You horrible girl pretending to be all innocent infornt of joshua oppa. " Lisa said then slapped me. "I will give you 3 seconds to say sorry now. You will regret if you don't" I threatened her but she and her friends laughed. "I warned you" I punched her and she fell on the fall. Her friends ran out of the toilet. I grabbed her hair and slapped her on her right cheek. She started bleeding so I gave her a smirk and threw her on the floor and left the toilet. "What happen in there? I heard 2 slaps and the girls ran away screaming " Joshua asked me but I ignored him and walk back to class. He followed me back to class. I packed my things and got my bag. "Y/N where are you going? " Joshua blocked my way . I pushed him away but it wasn't that hard cause I didn't want to hurt him. I walked out and made my way home. I reached home after a 10 minutes of walk. "I'm scared she will hurt me when you are not home." I heard my mother say but I don't know who she is talking to. I entered the house and slammed the door. "Y/N ah" my mother was shocked. "Why are you home so early" she walked towards me. I ignored her and walked to my room, she followed me so I slammed my door and locked it. "Y/N are you hungry do you want to eat? " she knocked on the door and asked me. I blasted my song so she will go away. I went to my bed to lie down and I fell asleep. *RING RING* My phone vibrated and I answered it. "Y/N I heard you are back! Meet me at the park near your house okay bye" my old friend, Jason, called. "So annoying! " I screamed and went to change my clothes to meet him. I grabbed my bag and phone and went out of my room. "Y/N where are you going?" My mother noticed me and asked. "I'm going to the park to meet a friend" I told her and she nodded and I left the house to meet him. I reached the park but I don't see him so I decided to call him. "Yah! You tell me to go to the park but you aren't here!" I shouted over the phone. "Turn around and you will see me" Jason said and ended the call. I turned around and saw him. "Y/N ! I missed you so much!" He said while running to hug me. "Yah get off of me" I pushed him away. "Aish. You would always hug me back!" He pouted. "You are older than me but you act like a kid" I told him and went to hug him and he hugged me back. "Let's go sit at the bench and talk" he smiled and pulled me to a bench. "What school are you attending now? Do you miss me? How have you been? " he bombed me with questions. "One question at a time. I am attending the school oppa used to attend. I do not miss you at all and me just normal I miss oppa" I answered all his questions. "Really! Means you are attending the same school as me!" He said happily. "Really?" I asked him. "Yeah we are attending the same school but I didn't see you in school." He told me. "Because I left school at 10 in the morning" I explained to him. "But school just ended. Did something happen to you in school? " he putted his arm around my shoulders. I told him the story of what happened in school."are you hurt anywhere?" He turned my head to face him so he could check. "I'm not hurt anywhere but she is. You think I would just let someone slap me and not do anything?" I asked him and he started laughing "I knew it there will be no way that you will let her off unhurt. So what did you do to the poor girl and why did she slap you?" he stopped laughing to talk. "I punched her then grabbed her hair and slap her then threw her on the floor. How can she be the poor girl when she is the one who started"I pouted. "Yah don't pouted" he pinched my cheeks. "I'm guessing she like this guy but he keeps talking to me so she slapped me." He shook his head in disappointment. I saw Joshua walking with his friends.

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