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Your POV
I went to school like any normal day. I hardly talk to anyone because it is just a waste of time. I am like a delinquent but not really because i get really good grades and i don't rebel. It's just that people are scared of me and because i know how to fight.( sorry if you aren't,just imagine) i went to my classroom and everyone looked at me and made way for me. No one dares to mess with me not even the bullies. I am not a loner i have a best friend since young. I grew up with her. "Y/N Y/N" my friend shouted for me. I looked up to face her. "There is a new kid" she said excitedly. "I know you don't really care but he is extremely adorable" she said still excited. The new kid entered and yea i got to admit he is cute. "Hello i am Dino" he bowed and smiled cheerfully. "You can sit at the back row near the window" my teacher said and he walked towards his seat. Today is a half day so we got a few breaks. When it was the first break i stood up making some sounds. Everyone looked at me and immediately look away. When i was about to walk out i heard someone telling him to be careful of me. I didn't really care much because i am used to it. I walked to the toilet to freshen up and heard some people talking about me so i stood at the side where they can't see me and hear what they are saying. "I hate Y/N a lot . she thinks she can do everything because people are afraid of her" a girl said. "You're not afraid of her?" another girl said. "Nope i'm not afraid of that b*tch" the first girl said. i walked towards them and they jumped. "interesting conversation" i said sarcastically. "you were listening?" the girls's voice started to shake. "sorry she didn't mean it" her friend said and bowed. "get lost" i said and they ran away. The bell rang means time for lesson. I put my head on my table and i saw Dino looking at me. I closed my eye slightly to see if he is looking and he was so i opened my eyes,when i opened my eyes he quickly look away. 

-End of school-

I was the last few to leave because i was sleeping. I walked out of class and saw Dino walking with a few guys. I recognized the guys , they are the school bullies . I walked slowly between them leaving a huge gap. They turned a corner and i lost them. Since i lost them i was planning to just go home but i heard someone shouting. I ran to the place where the shouting was coming from and i saw Dino being corned by them. The leader, Woohyun, was about to punch Dino but i grabbed his hand. "while i am being nice here you better leave and never mess with him again" i glared at them and the looks in their eyes they were afraid. "you think i am afraid of a little b*itch?" Woohyun shouted at me but his friends were trying to pull him away.  Woohyun pushed my hand and was about to punch me but i stopped his punch. "i am giving you a last chance to get lost" i said,i was getting pissed. "how about you get lost" Woohyun said and tried t punch me again but i stopped him and punched him and sent him flying causing him to hit the wall hard. I walked towards him and stepped on him. "so you want to get lost now?" i said putting my leg back on the ground and they ran away. i turned to look at Dino and he looked scared.  "Aren't you a man? Why can't you protect yourself" i said as i walked towards him. He didn't reply me. "Rude kid i just saved you, so are you hurt" i grabbed his hand to see if there was any bruise. Dino shook his head and i took my bag which was on the ground and walked off. He ran after me and started to follow me. i turned around and he stopped walking. "why are you following me . did you lie when you said you weren't hurt?" i walked towards him but he shook his head. "cat got your tongue?" i joked and turned around. "thanks for saving me" he said loudly. "i passed by and saw" i lied. "you are the liar" he said. yea i don't even know why i followed him. "yea whatever" i said and he ran to walk beside me. "you are nice so why do people tell me to stay away from you" he turned to look at me. "you are the weird one. People are scared of me because i am not nice but you don't even care" i turned around and saw him smiling like an idiot. "why should i be afraid you saved me" he turned away. "maybe i saved you so i can boss you around" i said and he turned back to me. "you are not that type of person " he said giving a peace sign. "you don't even know me" why is he acting like he know me. we were walking and he didn't even see the step and almost fell but i caught him. "it is usually the guy who would do this " i shouted at him. "pabo look where you are walking next time" i pull him up so he could stand up. "thanks again" he said smiling. i reached home and saw him go to the opposite house of mine. i look at him with a -why are you going there- look and he said he live there.I nodded and wave to him coldly. i walked in the house and saw my parents arguing. It is normal,they always argue . i went up to my room and took some clothes and went to bath. When i went down they were still arguing so i decided to just go out. i went to a nearby shop to have my dinner. "Y/N fancy seeing you here" I saw Dino. "What are you doing here" he asked . "i don't cook." i said really coldly . I ordered my food and finished eating so i decided to walk around the block. "Y/N wait for me" Dino shouted. I recognize his voice so i didn't have to turn. I waited for him and started walking when he was beside me. I took a sit on a bench with Dino. "Earth to Y/N" he waved his hand in front of me. "Stop it let me day dream" i pushed his hand away. A group of guys walked towards us. "Y/N long time no see" a guy patted my head. "Is this your boyfriend" he added. "Tsk f*ck off" i hit his hand away. "Stop showing attitude bitch" he said. I grabbed Dino's hand and was about to walk off when someone grabbed mine. "Come on baby don't be angry now" he gabbed my hand. "Dino you leave first" i pushed him but he shook his head, "stop being stubborn leave" i shouted and but he stood there. "Dino please don't make things difficult for me" i said in a kinder voice. He nodded and left. "You care for that boy don't you" he said. "Youngdoo let go" i said. "Fine fine you have work tomorrow so don't go to school" Youngdoo said and i nodded. The next morning i didn't go school but went to work. If you are wondering what work i am doing it is not the pervertic type nor normal work, it is fighting but getting paid. I didn't attend school for a few days.

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