shooting a drama(Jun)

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Your POV
*RING* My phone alarm clock rang. I on my phone to see the timing. It was 8 am I went to change to my jogging attire and went to jog around the neighborhood . After my jog I went home to prepare. After I was done my phone rang

Phone conversation

Manager- Y/N are you done preparing?

You- yes I am done preparing.

Manager- okay I will be coming to pick you up.

You- what time will you reach because I am having my breakfast.

Manager- I will be there when you finish your breakfast so about 10 minutes?

You- okay manager unnie! Drive safe.

Manager- I will. Eat well Y/N

End of phone conversation

I finished my breakfast and decided to go see my social media awhile. *DING DONG* It must be my manager so I grabbed my things and went out. "Y/N did you eat well?" My manager asked. "Yup I did." She nodded and we went to her car. "You know what we will be doing today right?" She asked to check if I know. "Yes manager unnie, I will be shooting a drama right? " I asked to double confirm with her. "Yes that is what you will be doing today. You got to pay close attention and do a good job okay? You are the main actress, but don't let that stress you out." She always know what I am thinking. It is my first time acting as the main lead. "Okay we have arrived. Let's go!" She said as she got off the car. "Ah this is the famous Y/N right" the director came to me. "Aniyo I am not famous yet" I greeted him. "Go to the dressing room to get your make up done okay?" The director pointed the direction to the make up room. I bowed to him and made my way there. I entered the room and saw this guy, he is handsome, I can die. "Annyeonghasaeyo, Y/N imida. " I greeted everyone in the room. "Annyeonghasaeyo Y/N, Jun imida." He greeted me. "What is your role in this drama? " I asked him . "I am the main actor and you? " he answered then asked. "Really? I am the main actress, pleasure working with you" I smiled at him

She smiled at me and my heart beat went slightly faster. *RING RING* my phone rang. "Excuse me for a moment I got to answer this call." I told her and she nodded. I left the room and answered my phone. "Hyung we are coming to see you act so wait for us at the front because we don't know how to go in okay? "The8 asked. "Okay. What time will you be here?" I asked him. "We are reaching already so be out there in 5 minutes. "I heard s.coups at the back. "Okay be careful. Bye" I ended the call and went back the room. "I will be out awhile, can you do my make up later? " I asked my make up artist. She nodded and I looked around the room and saw Y/N looking at me. "Where are you going?" She walked towards me and asked. "My group members are coming and they don't know the way here." I told her. "Why not you do your make up and I can go fetch them" she suggested. "It's okay I don't want to trou-" I got cut off by her. "Just take it as we can start early and end early okay?" She placed her hands on my shoulder and I nodded. I took out my phone and show her a picture of my members so she would recognise them. She left after looking at the photo. "Y/N is so kind" a make up artist said and I couldn't agree more.

Your POV
I was about to head out to find Jun's members when the director stopped me. "Y/N where are you going? We will start as soon as Jun is done with his make up." He told me. "I'm going to bring his members here they are waiting for me outside." I told him and he nodded. I went out and saw 12 boys standing there. "Annyeonghasaeyo, you must be Jun's friends. I am Y/N ,he is doing his make up so I came instead of him." I bowed as I said to them. They looked surprised. "Is there something on my face?" I asked. "Aniyo." One of them said and I nodded and asked them to follow me. I brought them to Jun. "HELLO JUN!" one of his friends said. "Y/N the director is looking for you." My manager came in the room and told me. "Excuse me I have to go now. Enjoy your time here and there are some seats there ,you can sit there while waiting for Jun to finish his make up. " I said and bow and left the room.

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