fake to real(Vernon)

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Your POV
I woke up at 9 am to get ready for my work. I work part time at a cafe sometimes full time when there is no school. I went to the cafe and got ready. I left 2 hours before my shift will end. I was inside eating since there wasn't much customer until the bell rang i quickly went outside and saw my classmate, Vernon. "Y/N" he said my name. Working is forbidden in our school so i didn't tell anyone. "Vernon please don't tell anyone" i begged him because i can't quit my job. "One condition" he said. "What is the condition" i asked. "Pretend to be my girlfriend and call me when you end work" he said. Is he crazy asking me to pretend to be his girlfriend but i really need it my mom is sick and my dad i don't have one. My sister is in middle school so she can't work. "I will but please keep it a secret" i can't believe what i just said. "Wow Y/N your boyfriend?" My friend, Jackson asked when Vernon left after ordering. I guess we are. I nodded and he started to fanboy. "He is a regular here but it is whenever you aren't on your shift" Jackson said. After two hours i called Vernon and he is on his way to fetch me. "Y/N let's go and eat" Jackson gave me puppy eyes. "Sorry but she has a date with me" we turned and saw Vernon. Vernon bowed and held my hand and brought me outside the cafe. "We can call it off after 3 years and i need you to go home and wear a dress so you can come over and meet my parents" Vernon stopped walking to say that. "Why do i have to be your girlfriend?" I asked him as he let go of my hand. "Fake girlfriend. They want me to get married to a stranger" he said before walking. We arrived at my house. "Do you want to come in" i asked him and the rude kid just nodded coldly. I opened the door for him to enter and when he entered he looked around the house. "Yes i am poor" i told him as i hang my bag. "Where is your family? It look empty" he said as he look at a mirror. "I have no dad and my mom is sick o i have to take care of her. My sister isn't legal to work yet" i said then walked to my room."Vernon i am going to take a quick bath so make yourself at home" i shouted and took a bath. I came out and realized i don't have a dress so i just worse a skirt and long selves shirt. I have no money for make up so i just walked out the room to find Vernon. "You said you are poor why are you wearing make up" he pointed at my face. "I'm not" i said as i walked wear my shoe. "Yah you going to wear that to meet my parents" he said as he point up and down. "I am poor just deal with it" i couldn't bother anymore. "Let's go i will take you shopping" he said and intertwine his fingers with mine. "People will think we are a couple if you intertwine your fingers with mine" i said and pointer at our hands. "That's what i want people to think" he continued walking. We reached the mall and he brought me some clothes and heels. We then head to his house. "Wow you are rich" i said while looking amaze at the house. "Come on" he held my hand again and brought me in. "Remember just say we are classmates and that we have been together for 3 months" he explained and i nodded. We went to the dinning table and three people walked in. "Mom, dad and Sofia" he said. I immediately stood up and greeted them. They asked me questions and it was finally time for me to leave. I was at the door when i received a phone call. "Oh Rosie-" -you "eomma is at the hospital come quick"-Rosie(your sister) i ended the call and ran out. "Y/N wait" Vernon ran after me. I stopped running and waited for him. "Why are you running" he asked while panting. "My mom is in the hospital" i started to tear up. "Thanks for today, you can go back" i patted him on his shoulder and continued running until i reached. When i reached i immediately call my sister and went to find her. "How is mum" i tried to catch my breath. "She fell down" my sister started to cry. "It's okay she will be fine" i comforted her. "If only i didn't go to the toilet" my sister kept crying. The doctor came and i went to him while my sister sat down. "How is my mom" i asked the doctor. "She will be fine but she have to stay in the hospital for a few days" she said kindly. "Will it be expensive" i asked looking down. "I don't know i will have to ask" she said and patted me on my shoulder and left. I walked towards my sister while looking down. I looked up when i heard a familiar voice. "Unnie, your boyfriend is here" my sister said before walking to my mother's room. "Vernon" i said and fell to the floor. "Yah you okay" he ran to me and asked. He helped me up and i started to cry. "Why did something happen to your mom" he ask as he hug me side ways. "She fell down she will be okay. I'm happy" i said giving a smile. "Let's go in" he held my hand and went in the room with me. "Y/N is it true? Rosie told me you have a boyfriend" my mom asked weekly. "Yes it is time to introduce my boyfriend, Vernon" i said and turned to him signaling him to introduce himself. "Hello auntie i am Vernon, Y/N's boyfriend" he said and bowed. "You can call me eomma" my mom sat up and say. "It's late already, go back home" she added. "I'll come tomorrow. Rosie gaja" i held her up. We left the room, "unnie is mom going to die" Rosie started crying after leaving the room. "Ani she just have to stay there a bit longer" i patted her head. I piggyback her since she was tired. "I'll carry her for you" Vernon offered. "Jinja?" I asked as i stop walking. I passed her to Vernon.

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