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Your POV
"You are awake Y/N" the school nurse touched my forehead. "Are you okay? How did you fall?" She questioned me. "I missed a step i guess" i lied to her.

I went to the rooftop during lunch because that is what i always do. When i reached the rooftop i saw the playboy kissing a girl and holding her face with one hand and the other holding her waist. He was facing my direction but with his eyes closed. He suddenly opened his eyes and looked into mine. I turned away and walked away. "You" i heard someone call me and it was none other then the playboy. He grabbed my wrist hard. "Let go" i shouted and hit him away. That's how i fell.

"How did i come here?" I asked the nurse. "Mingyu brought you here" she said and went back to do her things. Every girls has a crush on him because he is a hottie and everything but i hate him and his guts. I looked at the clock and it was 3pm. I left the room to get my bag from my class. I entered and saw the playboy kissing another girl. I closed the door hard so they would stop kissing. The girl ran away in embarrassment and mingyu just stared at me. "You are all better?" He asked but i ignored him. "How can you ignore your savior?" He came closer to me. "Whose fault was it that i fell" i glared at him. "You lost your balance, it wasn't my fault." He took my bag and passed it to me. "If you didn't grabbed me i wouldn't have lost my balance" i was starting to get pissed. I took my bag and left. "Ya you wait for me." He chased after me. I turned around and he jumped. "My name isn't you, it is Y/N and you better remember it because i am the only girl who hates you." I gave him a smirk before walking away. "Why do you hate me?" He followed me like a lost puppy. "I hate your guts" i started walking faster but he kept following me. "Why?" He looked at me. "Yah! Stop following me go away! Get lost you playboy" i shouted at him. He continued following me. I stepped on a uneven step and fell but mingyu ran and caught me in time. "You okay? Did you hurt yourself?" He asked me. I pushed him away. "Ya i am but next time let me fall instead. I don't ever want you to touch me again" i said looking at him. He came closer and closer and kissed me on my lips. I pushed him away and slapped him. "I am not like those girls. If you ever do that again i will kill you" i said and walked away, this time he didn't follow me.

Mingyu POV
I was kissing a girl then I heard someone closed the door loudly. I stop kissing and she ran away in embarrassment and i just stared at Y/N. "You are all better?" I asked since she fell before i could catch her and i feel like it is my fault but she ignored me. "How can you ignore your savior?" I walked closer to her. "Whose fault was it that i fell" she glared at me. "You lost your balance, it wasn't my fault." I took her bag and passed it to ber. "If you didn't grabbed me i wouldn't have lost my balance" she sounded pissed. She took her bag and left. "Ya you wait for me." I chased after me. She turned around and i jumped out of surprise. "My name isn't you, it is Y/N and you better remember it because i am the only girl who hates you." She gave me a smirk before walking away. "Why do you hate me?" I followed me and i don't even know why. "I hate your guts" she started walking faster but i kept following her. "Why?" I looked at her. "Yah! Stop following me go away! Get lost you playboy" she shouted at me. Why is she attractive, is it because every girl is head over heels for me and she isn't? While i was lost in my thoughts she fell but i ran and caught her in time this time. "You okay? Did you hurt yourself?" I asked her since i didn't manage to catch her in time before and got hurt. She pushed me away. "Ya i am but next time let me fall instead. I don't ever want you to touch me again" she said looking at me. This is the first time she looked at me for a long time. I went closer and closer and kissed her on her lips but she pushed me away and slapped me. "I am not like those girls. If you ever do that again i will kill you" she said and walked away. I didn't chase her because i am still shock. This is interesting.

Next day in school
Your POV
That playboy thinks everyone is his toy i hate it and what is worse today is the day that everyone will change seats and i have to sit next to him. GROSS! I went to the toilet to freshen up and someone pushed me and i fell on the floor. "Who are you to mingyu oppa" she shouted. She slapped me on my face. "This is for slapping him yesterday and this is because we hate you" she took out scissors and cut me on my cheek and left. "Tsk this is why i hate everyone" i said and stood up to wash my face. I left the toilet covering my cheek and walked to the classroom and saw the girl who pushed, slapped and is the reason for my cheek. I walked to his seat which is full of girls.

Mingyu POV
I guess this will get even more interesting since Y/N sits besides me now. Y/N left the classroom i wanted to follow her but i remembered what happened yesterday. When she came back she was covering her cheeks. Did something happen to her? I wonder. She walked towards me and slapped a girl.I immediately pulled Y/N away and brought her to the rooftop. "Let go of me" she shouted but i held her tighter. "What happened?" I said before removing her hand to see what she is trying to hide. She didn't fight so i removed her hand from her cheek. It looked painful, i wonder if that girl she slapped this to her. That girl ruined Y/N's beautiful face. "That girl did this didn't she" i asked her but she didn't say anything. I was about to say something but Y/N spoke. "Why do you care?" She sounded angry. "Because you are the only girl who hates me." I said and took out a bandaged and put it over her wound. It was the first time she let me be this close to her. "Y/N why do you hate me." I asked her out of curiosity. "You treat every girl like your toy and i hate that." She sounded sad instead of angry. "Did something happened?" I couldn't help but ask. "My dad cheated on my mom that's why" she said. "Why am i even telling you this" she added before a tear drop from her eye. She wanted to ran away but i held her waist and pull her into a hug. "I told you if you touch me i will kill you" she started hitting me. "Then go ahead and kill me later but right now you need comfort." I told her and she stopped hitting me. I let go off her but she didn't run or walk away. She stood there like a statue. "If i change will you be my girlfriend?" I asked her looking at her beauty. "A player never changes" she said smirking. "I will prove it to you then" i told her before she left. I walked her home and the next few weeks i proved to her that some players can change. We always eat together at the rooftop and talk about nonsense stuffs. She warmed up to me and even laughs and smile infront of me. I thought today will be a good day to ask her again. "You changed alot kim mingyu" even though she is comfortable around me it was the first time she called me by my name. I felt happy. "Does that mean you will be my girlfriend?" I asked her seriously. She hit me on my shoulder. "Don't be so serious. If you ever hurt me or cheat on me, never talk to me again" she said seriously. I was too happy that i jumped up and down. "Trust me i will treasure you and cherish you more than anyone." I held her hand and kissed it. "I trust you so don't hurt me" she smiled. "So this time if i kiss you, you won't slap me right?" I asked her reminding her of the past. She nodded and i kissed her.

Your POV
Me and mingyu are together for 3weeks. We were about to go home when i had to go to the toilet. He said he will wait for me near the toilet. When i walked out i saw him kissing a girl. I cried and ran away. He promised me. It is my fault for believing and dating a ex-player. I hate every guys. "Y/N wait!" I heard mingyu voice and i stopped running and turned around to face him. "Y/N hear me-" i slapped him. "We are over kim mingyu" i pushed him away and ran away.

Mingyu POV
Y/N had to go to the toilet so i waited for her near the toilet. A girl walked towards me and kissed me on my lips. I didn't notice that Y/N was standing there watching everything. I pushed the girl away, "i have a girlfriend stop it" i said. " i know and your little girlfriend just witness me kissing you" she smirked and walked away. I ran to find Y/N. "Y/N wait!" I shouted for Y/N and shd stopped running and turned around. "Y/N hear me-" she slapped me. "We are over kim mingyu" she pushed me away and ran away. I ran after her and grabbed her and hugged her. She was resisting and hitting me. "That girl came out of nowhere and kissed me. I pushed her away telling her that i have a girlfriend. Y/N trust me please. You know how much i love you. Please trust me and don't break up with me" i started to cry. "How do you want me to trust you when i saw everything with my own eyes." I know she is hurt more than me. I kissed her on her lips twice. "I kissed you more than her already." I said hoping she will trust me. She hugged me tight and cried. "Y/N i love you" i told her as i hug her back. "I love you too my mingyu" she said before kissing me on my lips. "Never say you want to break up with me again okay? It hurts me so much" i gave her a hurt face. "I won't" she said and hugged me.

Hello i hope you enjoyed this chapter!! Currently doing the8's chapter. Enjoy and have a nice day😀

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